Club News, July 1937


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The final results of the Grand Cup Trial run off in May have been amended and now read as follows :


Sopwith Cup for Best Performance : E. H. Goodenough (M.G.).

Runner-up Award : G. H. Robins (H.R.G.).

First-class Awards : T. W. Barque (Frazer-NashB.M.W.) U marks lost ; J. D. Batten (Batten-Special) 4 marks lost.

Second-class Awards : N. 3. Robinson (M.G.) and A. C. Fairtiough (A.C.) both lost 5 marks.

The annual Gymkhana at Milford, organised by Michael May, was scheduled for July 4th.

Hon. Secretary : V. H. Tuson, “The ‘for,” A rkwright Road, Sanderstead, Surrey.


Regulations, in the form of ‘a wellarranged booklet, are now available for the Irish Motor Racing Club’s Irish Car Rally, entries for which, at is. Od for members and £2 for non-members, close on 19th July at 7.30 p.m. The team entry fee is /..,1 is. Od. The prizes are : 1st prize of Perpetual Trophy, replica and £25; second prize : Silver Plaque and £15; third prize : Silver Plaque and £7 10s. Od ; fourth prize : Silver Plaque and 1,2 10s. Od. Team prze : 6s. Od. Ladies’ prize : Bronze Plaque, first-class awards for best 25 per cent. of entries, second-class awards for remainder who complete the course, and special prizes of E,3 3s. Od. each for best starters from Belfast and Cork—a fine array, and some people are going to recover their running expenses. The event takes place on July 31st—Aug. 2nd, the tests will be straightforward and on the second day competitors pass through some of the finest scenery (vide Regulations) in the world, in daylight. Starting points will be in or near Dublin, Cork and Belfast and the event finishes at Dublin at the opening of the Horse Show week. The required average speed is 24 m.p.h., and there will be a stop-reverse-go form of driving test and an examination for condition, embracing lamps, starter, screen wipers, horn, wheels, springs, wings, boslywork generally and oil, water and fuel leakage. The approximate mileage will be 200 on the first day, 325 on the second and 140 on the third—so the Rally is no picnic. This would seem an excellent chance to combine an Irish holiday with motoring competitively and the

Club will extend every possible assistance to English entrants.

On September 11th the 100-mile Handicap and 100-mile 14-litre scratch races will be held at Phcenix Park, where ” Bira’s ” Maserati lapped last year at over 102 m.p.h. Regulations are almost ready.

Apply :—The Secretary, Irish Motor Racing Club, 1, Cavendish Row, Dublin. Dublin 44264.


The Junior Car Club held its Evening Trial last month and received forty-six entries and forty-one starters. Some interesting motors took part, including Windsor-Richards’s 30/98 Vauxhall, R. Peaty ‘s Hillman-Vauxhall-Special, details of which he has kindly sent us during the last two months, C. W. P. Hampton’s exracing 1.1-litre Mercedes7Benz. James Allason’s short-chassis Windrum and Garstin 41-litre Bentley, an SS. saloon on plain tyres, A. C. Fairtlough’s A.C.,

L. M. Ballamy’s blown Ford Ten, Anthony’s familiar Aston-Martin and two H.R.G.s. The start was from the Manor Weald Garage, Guildford. Highbutton 1, Highbutton 2, and Green Lane were very easy and certainly caused no sort of bother to the Ford V8 in which the MOTOR SPORT representative travelled. On the contrary, the last hill, on private ground, afforded an opportunity for a Jensen-Ford to dig itself in well and truly, after nine smaller cars had climbed clean, and as no horses were present the hill was cut out for the remaining competitors. This left two special tests, a braking-test in which D. Q. Silcock (Jensen Ford V8) was best, in 16.4 secs., and an acceleration test which broke up an M.G. Magnette’s final drive and saw E. K. Parley’s H.R.G. record best time in 15.2 secs. The excellent supper served at the Wotton Hatch Hotel, near Dorking, was some compensation for a rather dull trial.


Best Performance Prize : J. B. Thompson (Ford). First-class Awards : L. M. Banality (L.M.B.), R. R. Huslibrook (M.(4.), B. Tuekwell (M.G.), J. E. Nut hall (M.G.), W. J. Lanes (M.G.), F. A. H. Frey ( M.( ; ), J. 13. Thompson ( Font), E. G.13outle (Morgan) E. K. Farley (11.1(.(;.). It. U. Silrock (Jensen Ford), Miss M. M. (loss (Triumph). A. C. Mart lough (A.C.), AV. A. V. Davis (singer). J. -Eason Gibson (Ford), 1). E. Harris (Singer), 13 I’r;ity (Frazer-Nash),

D. Hurst (Velox Special), C. M. Anthony (AstonMartin), Miss E. I,. Ite,(Iterti (11.R.G.), C. WindsorRichards (Vauxhall), .1. It. Allason (Bentley), Mrs.

M. A. Willercks (M.G.), R. Vidler (Wolseley), A. Goblman (SS), H. C. Dryden (Ford).


Something must have gone very wrong at Southport on Coronation Saturday, perhaps because officials had been to Blackpool to celebrate the Coronation. on the Wednesday. At all events, the

50-mile race, in connection with which we handed out the laurels to J. W. Burnand last mouth, has now been awarded to G. Hil.-diley (747 c.c. M.G.) at 61.94 m.p.h., with Burnand’s J.W.B. second and the Salmson third.


A Plain Tyre Trial attracted twelve entries, out of whom R. A. Macdermid’s M.G. took the Scampton. Cup, and a firstclass award, K. B. Steadman (M.G.) a first-class award, J. Waller (Opel) a second-class award, and E. Goodenough (M.G.) a third-class award.


The remarkably creditable development of this exclusive body is admirably portrayed on analysis of the list of members and their motors for J tine 1937, which analysis gives some idea of the Vintage cars in regular use. Nineteen members own 30/98 Vauxhalls of various ages, sixteen have 3-litre Bentleys, and there are thirteen unblown. 44-litre Bentleys, three supercharged 4i-litre Bentleys, three 64-litre Bentleys-, ten 12-50 Alvis, nine Lambda Lancias, seven Frazer-Nashes, seven G.N.s, four Austin Sevens, four Brescia Bugattis, four Delage, four Lea-Francis, five Riley Nines, three G.P. Bugattis, three H.E.s, three 1litre Alfa-Romeos, three 2-litre Lagondas, two Ballots, two M.G.s, two 3-litre Sunbeams, one of them blown, two AstonMartins, two 14/40 Sunbeams, two two Sahnsons, two 3-litre Bugattis, two 44-litre Invictas, two S.S. Mercedes-Benz, and one example each of 1921 MercedesBenz,li-litre Mercedes, 1922 Citroen, 14/40 Vauxhall, Baby Peugeot, 14;40 Talbot, 8-valve Bugatti, Leyland-Thomas, Morris Eight, Morris-Cowley, Type 40 B u gatti, Alvis, 33-180 Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Minerva and 19-100 AustroDaimler. In addition there are no fewer than a dozen specials, while forty persons lend their support as associate members. All the foregoing cars are, of course, pre1931, and the list does not include the well known racing cars and Edwardian motors owned by members. This membership is really most encouraging, both on the score of quality and quantity, the actual membership roll being 208. But new-comers will be very welcome, and surely there must exist more Aston,