

Some of the finest artists of modern times have turned their attention to the design of posters, and in the motoring world few are more attractive than the series of regional road maps executed by Mr. A. E. Taylor and issued by the Anglo-American Oil Company. In more than one hotel we have seen them framed and used with great effect as wall decorations. The whole series has now been gathered together and published in book form. The special feature of the maps is that they are embellished with slight but characteristic drawings of castles, inns, bridges and the other pleasures which adorn our countryside. The effect is heightened by a discreet use of soft colour. The eight maps, which each measure 18 inches by 12 inches, cover Great Britain, Ireland and the islands

which surround them, the scale varying from 12 to 20 miles to the inch. Accompanying the maps is a gazetteer or description of the various places of interest, which has been fittingly entrusted to -Mr. S. P. B. Mais. In binding, printing and production, ” Pictorial Britain and Ireland” is indeed

a de-luxe edition. Measuring twelve inches by nine, it is more suitable for the library or the suit-case than the alwaysgrubby pocket of the open sports car, but used. before the start of a tour or at the conclusion of the day’s run it will ensure that none of the charming places which may yet be visited shall be missed from the tourist’s itinerary. The atlas is published by the H. K. McCann Company, Ltd., 109, Jermyn Street, London, S.W.1 on behalf of the

Anglo-American Oil Company. It costs eight shillings and sixpence.


It is always interesting to learn the steps by which a successful racing driver learns his craft, and ” Wheels at Speed” which is written by Prince Chula of Siam, gives us a clear insight into the short but effective racing career of Prince Birabongse.

Originally produced for private circulation, it is written in a personal style which makes easy reading. The book is well illustrated with photographs of the Prince’s cars and the races in which he has taken part, and is moderately priced at 4/6d. Copies can be obtained from Prince Chula, at 16 Stanford Court, Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W.7.