

Anthony Powys-Lybbe, who gets as much amusement out of his motor-racing as anyone, showed in the County Down Trophy race of the Ulster Automobile Club that he can also take motor-racing seriously, and his victory at the wheel of the 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo was a popular one.

The race was contested over a sixmile course at Bangor, over which high speeds were possible. For the scratch men the distance was 25 laps, equal to a drive of nearly 150 miles.

Very varied and interesting entries were received, and especial interest was lent by the presence of the o.h.c. Austin team. The cars were lined up on a starting grid, their positions deterrnined by their showing during practice, and the whole field went away in a spectacular massed start, as the system of handicapping was based solely on credit laps. Six cars failed to start, including P. N. Whitehead’s E.R.A., which had not recovered from a return of former gear-box maladies. This left thirty starters, of which the winning Alfa-Romeo was on the front line in company with Dodson’s little Austin, with Alanby-Colegrave’s E.R.A. and Driscoll’s Austin just behind. Dodson got away at the start, with ManbyColegrave behind and the Alfa third, but when the first lap had been completed it was Powys-Lybbe who led, and the Austin team of three cars was on his tail. However, with a mere two laps’ run Goodacre’s Austin retired with throttle trouble, while Manby-Colegrave’s

passed the Driscoll Austin, which made for its pit, took on oil, and then faded out a long way from home a couple of rounds afterwards.

Dodson, however, still kept close behind the Alfa-Romeo, and he was forcing the pace at that, for the little Austin actually broke the lap record at 84.51 m.p.h., the former figure having been established last year by Luis Fontes (Alfa-Romeo). Powys-Lybbe was able to respond and the Alfa got round at 85.18 m.p.h. and finally at 86.56 m.p.h., a new record. He was rewarded by a lead of about a quarter-of-a-mile at half-distance. Dodson still kept his foot well down, the Austin’s average of nearly 83 m.p.h. putting it 4 mins. 12 sees. ahead of its handicap time. Then trouble overtook the little car and Powys-Lybbe seemed assured of an easy victory. Sullivan’s super

charged Balilla Fiat and a 2-litre .Bugatti driven by NIcFerran were both out, and H. Weir was spending his time lifting his special Ford out of its sand-bag bursting expedition. On his 19th lap Powys-Lybbe had caught everyone with the exception of G. A. Mangan’s P-type M.G. Midget, and he ran home an easy victor at 84.36 m.p.h. L. R. Briggs was second in the blown Mille Miglia IC3 M.G. 3.1agnette, while third place went to Capt. D. Taylor’s ex-Shuttleworth

`23-litre Bugatti. Manders (Alder) got in fourth, having flown over from the I.O.M. motor-cycle race. to qualify. Two other Irish Free State drivers followed him in—Mangan (M.G.) and A. P. MacArthur (M.G. Magnette). Adrian Conan-Doyle driving a fl-litre blown Bugatti of new type, averaged 74.34 m.p.h., fourth highest average of the race, and was placed seventh. There were nineteen retirements, Driscoll ‘s trouble being a broken oil pipe, Sullivan’s Fiat going out with a defective magneto, Grafton with a burnt valve, and W. R. Baird (R-type M.G.) with damaged steering following an encounter with a dog when travelling really fast. Plugs gave a good deal of trouble and the pits, generally, were doing plenty of business. On the whole a useful and very inter

esting contest. Afterwards PowysLybbe, looking unfamiliar in a big beret, was presented with a laurel wreath by Lord Craigavon. The driver said it was all due to the old car knowing the course ; actually his speed was excellent and his driving was steady and brilliant.


1. A, Powys-Lybbe (Alfa-Romeo, S:), lb. 45m. 36s. 84.36 m.p.h.

2. L. R. Briggs (M.G., S.), lb. 49m. 4s. 75-.15 m.p.h.

3. :Capt. D. Taylor (Bugatti), lh. 51m. 10s. 76.53 m.p.h.