

After a period of experiment and disappointment almost inevitable with a new racing car the independently sprung Alfa-Romeo has made good with a vengeance. Three times during the past month the inimitable Tazio Nuvolari has carried the Ferrari colours to victory, a decisive proof of his own virtuosity and the quality of the cars. The first occasion was in the Coppa Penya Rhin, held in the Montjuich Park near Barcelona. The course is a twisty road circuit, and it was expected that Caracciola would repeat his last year’s

victory for Mercedes-Benz. Nuvolari was driving the new 12-cylinder Alfa, Brivio and Farina who had just recovered from his accident at Monza, the eights.

Nuvolari to.ok the lead from the start, with Caracciola in hot pursuit. They fought a breath-taking duel until halfdistance, when Nuvolari pulled into refuel and change tyres. He was away again in 40 seconds but even this miraculous pitstop was long enough to let Caracciola take the lead. After a record lap at 71.5 m.p.h. Nuvolari won back his position at the head of affairs. He further consolidated his lead when Caracciola stopped to refuel. A second time Tazio stopped for a wheel-change, losing 30 seconds, but Caracciola just failed to head him. Both drivers were extended to their utmost for the last twenty laps, and Caracciola finished a mere 8 seconds behind the Italian champion.


1. Nuvolari (12-cylinder Alfa-Romeo) 2b. 43m. 7s. Speed 69.2 m.p.h.

2. Caracelola (Mercedes-Benz) 2h. 43m. 10s. 8. Farina (Alfa-Romeo) 76 laps.

4. Von Delius (Auto-Union) 75 laps.

5. Roserneyer (Auto-Union) 75 laps.

6. Chiron (Mercedes-Benz) 75 laps.

7. Sommer (3.2-litre Alfa-Romeo) 74 laps.

8. Villapadierna (3.2-litre Alfa-Romeo) 74 laps. Length of race 80 laps. Total distance 188 nu’ Record lap Nuvolari lm. 588. or 71.5 m.p.h. •

The two German teams and the Italians next met at the Eifel (a race which is reported elsewhere in this issue) and again at Budapest, on a very different circuit. It was in the form of two loops with the ” go ” and ” return ” roads almost touching. The course measured 5 kilometres round and had to be covered fifty times. On this the 8-cylinder Alfas were used. Three English drivers took part, Austin Dobson, Martin and Cholmondeley Tapper. The two latter retired, Martin after covering thirty-two laps, with, back-axle trouble.

Nuvolari once again took the lead, but Rosemey-er, fresh from his success at the Eifel, pressed him closely and passed him. Nuvolari contented himself with keeping close to the tail of the AutoUnion, but on the 35th lap saw his chance and caught Rosemeyer as he was coming out of a corner. Steady driving kept him in the lead to win by 14 seconds. Three Mercs. were running, but not a single one finished.


1. Nuvolari (Alfa-Romeo) 2h. 14m. $s. Speed 69.1 m.p.h.

2. Rosemeyer (Auto-Union) 2h. 14m. 17s.

3. Varzi (Auto-Union) 1 lap behind.

4. Tadini (Alfa-Romeo) 2 laps behind.

5. Stuck-Delius (Auto-Union) 3 laps behind.

6. Dobson (3-litre Alfa-Romeo) 3 laps behind.

7. Hartmann (Maseratt) 3 laps behind.

Racing in the Alfa home-town of Milan, Nuvolari once again scored. Actually, here the only German car was the AutoUnion driven by Varzi, and the two erstwhile rivals of Alfa versus Bugatti days again set-to in a tremendous duel. They were wheel to wheel for the greater part of the ninety-eight miles, and in the end Nuvolari just managed to get home by a mere 9 seconds. In the 1,500 c.c. race none but Italian cars ran, and Count Trossi again scored a victory for the Maserati factory. The course was a short and very twisty one laid out with eight corners, two of them hairpins, in the public gardens in

the centre of the city. The lap distanec was 1.6 miles, and was covered 40 times by the small cars and 60 times by the unlimited class.

RESULT Over c.c.

Over 1,500 c.c.

1. Nuvolari (Alfa-Romeo) lh. 35m. 56.2s. Speed 60.62 m.p.h.

2. Varzi (Auto-Union) lh. Sem. 5.1s.

3. Farina (Alfa-Romeo) lh. $7m. 7.1s.

4. Brivio (Alfa-Romeo) lh. 37m. 11.18.

5. Tadini (Alfa-Romeo) lh. 37m. 14.2s.

6. Biondetti (Alfa-Romeo) lh. 37m. 46s.

7. Dusio (Maaerati) 1 lap behind.

Under 1,500 0.0.

1. Trossi (Maserati) lb. 9m. 17.2s.

2. Villoresi (Magma”) lh. 10m. 85.2s.

3. Belrnondo (Ilascrati) lb. 10m. 52.4s.

4. Bianco (Maserati) 1 lap behind.

5. Revere (Maserati) 3 lap behinds ; first in the 1,000 c.c. class.