Printed by WIGHTMAN & Co., LTD., Regency Street, London, S.W. 1, and Publish by the Proprietors, Motor Sport (1929)


P ‘ Printed by \ IGHTMAN & Co., LTD., Regency Street, London, :*‘’. I, and Published by the Proprietors, mit SPORT (1929) Urn., 39, Victoria Street, London, S.kV.1. :gents for Australasia : GORDON & GoTen .ustralasia), LTD,

Copies obtainable and subscriptions received by W. 11. SNirrn 8t SON, 248, Rue de Rivoli, Paris ; and W. H. SMITH & SON, 78, Rue du Marche-aux-Herbes, .Brusselles, Belgium.

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