

The attractions of Ireland as a touring ground are being discovered by a larger number of British motorists every year. But the sea crossing and the Customs formalities before entering the Irish Free State introduce into the holiday minor difficulties with which the motorist does not wish to be bothered.

To its members The Automobile Association offers services which successfully smooth out all such difficulties.

The A.A. Irish Handbook, enlarged for 1934-35, is now in the hands of members living in Ireland. Services available to members touring in Ireland, Great Britain and abroad, and also in connection with customs formalities and charges, shipping, insurance, taxation, and so on. are fully described. Charges and facilities at A.A. appointed hotels and garages throughout Northern Ireland and the Free State appear in the Gazetteer,

which for ease of use is printed next to the 14 pages of road maps. Information on parking places in Dublin and Belfast is much fuller than hitherto.

A digest in simple language of the Irish Free State Road Traffic Act, 1933, is included, together with a summary of motor law in Northern Ireland.

Members visiting Ireland may obtain the Irish Handbook without charge on application to any A.A. office.