

An interesting and finely-produced booklet has been issued by S. Smith & Sons (M.A.), Ltd., of Cricldewood, tracing the history of the firm from its foundation in 1851 to the world-wide renown which it enjoys at the present day. Founded by Mr. Samuel Smith for the purpose of manufacturing high-grade watches, the business expanded on these lines, and it was left to Mr. Gordon Smith, grandson of the founder and the present Managing Director, to appreciate the importance of the coming motor-car era, and to design

a motor speed indicator. The first of these instruments was supplied to H.M. King Edward in 1904.

Continued expansion and the development of car and aircraft instruments of all kinds has Seen the fitting of Smith instruments to 99 per cent. of cars made by British firms, while they are also extensively used on R.A.F. and civil aircraft. Clock and watch manufacture still remains an important part of the

Company’s activities, and the range of stop-watches are of special interest to sporting motorists. The universal pattern, with stop, start, and fly-back action, calibrated either in fifths or tenths of a second, cost 50s. each. These are suitable for all ordinary purposes, while an instrument recording 1/100 second may be had for five guineas. Another most ingenious chronograph which costs ;C8 15s. Od. allows two cars to be timed at the same time, and this also reads • to 1/100 second.