


MANY motorists this summer will for the first time desert the land and spend their holidays motoring by water ; and already at the beginning of a new cruising season holiday centres around the coast and inland cruising areas report a boom in the demand for marine motor craft.

In response to this growing interest in motor boating and motor yachting, a new guide. ” The Marine Manual,” is published this week by C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd., who in recent years have carried out special researches in the lubrication of petrol, paraffin, Diesel and other types of marine engine. The author is the well-known authority,

Mr. P. Roness Bordewith, who writes as a practical yachtsman for every type of marine motorist—for the expert no less than for the beginner, and for owners of all types of craft.

It will appeal particularly to the people who van t to become marine motorists, but do not know how to go about it. This book tells them how to do it, and if they follow its instructions throughout, they will never go far wrong.

The book is divided into four sections. Fifty pages are devoted to detailed advice on the purchase, registration and fitting out of a holiday cruiser. A further section deals exhaustively

with the care and maintenance of the four main types of marine engine.

A third section is given over to the rudiments of practical seamanship, illustrated with numerous diagrams ; and the last section of the book consists of complete practical manual on holiday cooking at sea.

Included in the book is a recommendation list indicating the correct grades of Ca.strol oil for summer and winter use in all makes of marine engine available on the British market.

” The Marine Manual” is obtainable from C. C. Wakefield and Company, Wakefield House, Cheapside, London,. E.C. 2, at the price of one shilling.