

THE following is 4 brief description of the cars that started the 500 Miles Race :Kelly Petillo-Red Lion. This car is a four-cylinder, Miller built.

Wilbur Shaw-Lion Head Special. His , car is an eight, Miller built. The car Mauri Rose drove last year, and the one with which Howard Wilcox finished second in 1932.

Frank I3risko-F. W. D. four-cylinder, Miller-built engine. This is the only four-wheel drive in the race. It was first entered two years ago, but lasted only seven laps due to engine heating troubles. It went farther last year, but was taken out for the same reason.

Mauri Rose-Duray four-cylinder,Millerbuilt engine, with Duray changes. The chassis is a component of two or three stock car chassis. It is the car Wilbur Shaw finished second last year.

Fourth in 1983.

Chester Gardner-Sampson Radio. One of two sixteen-cylinder cars in the race. Miller built engine. Riley Brett and Alden Sampson refined. This is the car in which Gardner finished fourth in 1933. This will be its fourth time to race at Indianapolis. In 1930, 1931 and 1932 it was driven by Louis Meyer.

Phil Shafer-Shafer Eight. This is an eight and its engine is a Buick stock powerplant, so changed by Red Shafer that it is really his own design, more or less. He didn’t qualify it in time last year to get into the race.

Tony Gulotta Schroeder. A Studebaker engined race car that ran like a well-oiled watch in the 1933 race and which Dave Evans finished in sixth place at an average of 100.425. It is a front drive.

Al Miller-Shafer eight. The engine is a Buick power-plant. The car is owned by Phil Shafer. It is the car which Stubblefield finished in fifth place last year.

Russell Snowberger-Russell eight. The engine is a Studebaker. It is the car which Snowberger finished in eighth position in the 1933 race. Bill Cummings-Boyle Valve. A fourcylinder Miller engine, in a chassis which Cotton Henning designed around it. He

also refined the engine to meet specific needs. This is a front drive and is the car which Babe Stapp had in front place in the 1933 race for 125 miles or so, but did not finish.

Ralph Hepburn-Miller. Straight-eight Miller engine. The car which Ralph Hepburn drove into third place in the 1931 race. The one in which Wilbur Shaw led the 1932 race, but did not finish, and the car with which Louis Meyer won last year.

George Barringer-Boyle Special. A Miller eight. The car with which Bill Cummings led the race last year for the first seventy-five miles, and with which be set sonic track records.

Louis Meyer-Ring Free. Named after an oil company. A Miller-engined four, built up by Meyer on the west coast last winter.

Herbert Ardinger-Lucenti. This is a Graham-eight engine and in large degree Graham-eight chassis parts.

Pacific Coast Champion.

William (Shorty) Cantlon-Sullivan O’Brien. A Miller-engined eight. The same car he drove in the race last year.

George Bailey-Scott Special. A Studebaker-engined race car. Al Gordon-Abels-Fink. One of the fast four-cylinder Miller cars. Gordon

was Pacific coast driving champion in 1933. Cliff Bergere-Floating Power. A fourcylinder Miller owned by Bill White and

the only car in the race to be mounted in floating power style. The car Ernie Triplett drove here last year, but which went out with a broken piston. Bergere finished a Studebaker third in 1932.

A B. (Deacon) Litz-Stokely Foods. A four-cylinder Miller engine. The Deacon hit the wall in qualifying, but got his car back together and tried it again.

Lou Moore-Foreman Axle Shaft. A four of Miller ancestry. The car he finished third last year. The car in which he averaged 107.8 miles an hour in a 328-mile road race at Tripoli, Italy, a month ago.

Johnny Sawyer-Burd Piston Ring. A Miller-built four.

Dave Evans-Dummins Diesel. A four and a four-cycle. First time for the car on the local track.

Rx Mays-Miller-Duesenberg. A fourcylinder Miller in a Duesenberg chassis.

Owned by Fred Frame. Mays was runnerup to the Pacific coast driving champion in 1933.

Joe Russo-Duesenberg. An eight. He has driven it in the race for the last two or three years.

Herbert l?ahrnow-Superior Trailer. A sixteen entered by Goldberg Brothers, of Indianopolis. Made 01 two eightcylinder 91i-cubic-inch engines. Originally in the Cooper Specials in 1929. It is a front drive.

George (Doc) Mackenzie-Cresco. An eight-cylinder engine. Named after an oil company.

Rick Decker-Carter Carburettor. An eight and a front drive. The first front drive to be driven in a race at Indianapolis. Dave Lewis finished it second at 100.82 in the 1925 race. Cha;les Crawford-Detroit Gasket. An

eight. A Ford V-8 in fact. First time to be raced in Indianapolis.

H. W. Stubblefield-Diesel four. A two-cycle engine. First time a two-cycle Diesel has ever been entered and one of three Diesels ever to be entered at Indianapolis. Dave Evans is driving the other one this year, and Dave finished one twelfth in 1931.

Harry McQuirni-De Baetz. An eightcylinder Miller.

Gene Haustein-Martz Special. Has an eight-cylinder Hudson engine in it. The car has raced here several times before.

Chet Miller-Bohnalite. A Ford V-8 engine, with a good driver behind it.

Johnny Seymour-Frame Streamline. A four. Car shaped like a catfish and so called by the racing clan. Driven by Stubblefield in the 1932 race. Not raced here last year. Holds world’s fourcylinder record, 147-plus miles an hour on a straight-away. Owned by Fred Frame.

That ends the thirty-three starters. Two alternates will be held in readiness, so that if one of the thirty-three doesn’t start the alternate may.

Willard Prentice-Tulio Gulotta. An eight-cylinder Hudson engine.

Harry Lewis-Don Hurlburt. A Ford V-8 engine.