CONTENTS, July 1933



1,A0F, Sir Henry Iiirkin … 395

1.,e Mans 24 Hour Race, The … … 396 French Grand Prix, 1 he … 401 Indianapolis 500 Miks Race, The … 405 R tunblings … 407 20 It.p. ArnistrangSidcleley, The .,. 110

Sideslips … … 412 New Singer Sports Model, A 415 Rain Spoils Sheisley … 416 Here and There .. 419 Club News … 420 Iirooklands Whitsun Met tiog 423 6-Cylinder Fraser Nash, Th, 427 Continental Notes … 420 T.T. Races … 434 What Do You Know About Cars … 438

A C.23 Johnson Motor—Free !