What Do You Know About Cars?


What Do You Know About Cars ?

Report on Problem No. 4. THE photograph appearing in our last issue of MOTOR SPoRT caused more difficulty than any of the previous competitions. Actually, only 26% of the entries received were correct, namely, the 3 litre Alfa Romeo raced by Lanfranchi at Brooklands some years ago. The first to be opened on June 15th was that submitted by : A. H. Habberfield-Short, North Lodge,

St. George’s Hill, Weybridge.

to whom we have sent a cheque for one guinea.

Vauxhall was a much-favoured, make, and others with many adherents were Sunbeam, Riley, Miller, 0.M., Fiat and Arab. One competitor decided that we had published a ” mirror-image ” of an Arab. If this were so, of course, the cars would be starting in the reverse direction at Brooklands and the Alvis standing next to the Alfa Romeo would have left-hand steering ! The variety of makes suggested was

really astounding, and demonstrated a wide divergence of opinion. Here are some of the solutions : Peugeot, Invicta, Duesenberg, Hispano-Suiza, Lancia, Frazer Nash, Salmson, Hortsmann, Matto, Bentley, Vernon Special and Alvis.

Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your solution, and send it to us in a sealed envelope, marked Competition. Write your solution and name and address in block capitals. Any alterations will automatically disqualify

the entrant.

3. The Editor’s decision is final. 4. Entries must reach this office, 39,



Victoria Street, London, SAVA, not later than first post, July 15th, and a prize or one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution opened.

More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.

No letter must be sent with coupon.

The result will be published in our August issue.
