

The Grand Prix of Picardie is one of the few remaining motor-races in the North of France. Organised by the A.C.P.A., the race was run this year on May 21st over the circuit of Peronne. This triangular course is 9 kilometres 765 in length, and runs from Mons-en-Chaussee to Brie, thence to Mesnie-Bruntd, and so back to Mons-en-Chaussee. Great preparations were made by the organisers to ensure the success of the meeting, new grand stands being erected and adequate barricades.

Unhappily the Grand Prix of Picardie for 1933 will go down in motor-racing history as a race of disaster for the French motoring world, in spite of the painstaking efforts of the organisers. The trouble began on the day before the race, when Louis Trintignant was killed in practice. His 2.3 litre Bugatti got out of control after a series of skids and overturned on the corner at Mons-en-Chaussee, in front of the grandstand. Trintignant was thrown out onto the road and was instantly killed. This untimely death of one of the most promising French drivers will be deeply regretted by all followers of motor racing. Trintignant was a wealthy young man and the owner of large vineyards at Chateauneuf-du-Pape. The Grand Prix was preceded by a race for 1,500 c.c. machines, and the following drivers lined up for the start :-Vagniez (Maserati), Guilbaut (Bugatti), Girod Salmson), Mme. Itier (Bugatti), Ge (Bugatti), Mahe (Bugatti), Devaud (Maserati) and Toni (Bugatti). When the flag fell all the cars got away except

Guilbaut’s Bugatti, which proved very refractory and caused its driver several minutes delay. From the start it was Mme. Itier’s race. Her 8 cylinder Bugatti had the measure of all the other competitors, and she steadily built up a comfortable lead. Vagneiz (Maserati) gave chase at first, but had to call at the pits. Later he caught up again and took second place. Mahe (Bugatti) was third, followed by Ge (Bugatti) and Devaud (Maserati).


15 laps, 146 km. 475.

1. Mme. Itier (Bugatti), lh. 15m. 56 1/5s. 72.21 m.p.h.

2. Vagniez (Maserati), 1h. 23m. 32s.

3. Devaud (Maserati), 1h. 29m. 49s.

4. Ge (Bugatti), lit. 33m. 20s.

5. Guilbaut (Bugatti), 1 lap.

Fastest lap : Mme. Itier, 4m. 54s., 74.71 m.p.h.

The Grand Prix race itself attracted the following starters :-Etancelin (Alfa Romeo), Sommer (Alfa Romeo), Lehoux (Bugatti), Gaupillat (Bugatti), Felix (Alfa Romeo), Bouriat (Bugatti), Miguel (Bugatti), Cochin (Bugatti), Bus,sienne (Bugatti), Delorme (Bugatti), Villars (Alfa Romeo) and Waldthausen (Alia Romeo). The race quickly developed into a tremendous duel between Etancelin (Alfa Romeo) and Bouriat (Bugatti). For lap after lap these two drivers fought every inch of the race, constantly repassing each other. Then, on the 10th lap, Etancelin drew ahead to the extent of about 50 yards. Some say that Bouriat was a tired man before the race started, and that the strain was beginning to tell. At all events the Bugatti lost ground, and Bouriat began a desperate effort to re

cover his position. On the 11th lap Etancelin passed Villars at a great speedprobably about 125 m.p.h. Bouriat was following, and whether he did not allow enough room or whether Villars :;,vas drawn outwards by Etancelin’s slipstream will never be known, but the tragic fact remains that the wheels of his Bugatti just grazed those of Villar’s Alfa Romeo. The impact caused the Bugatti to swing sideways, and there began that sickening series of ever-widening skids which can only end in disaster. Bouriat fought desperately to regain control, but the Bugatti struck a tree with terrific force and burst into flames. The driver was hurled onto the ground and died immediately from his injuries. Bouriat’s death cuts short a career of distinction in motor racing, and will be lamented by everyone.

Etancelin continued to drive at a tremendous speed, and was an easy winner, three minutes ahead of Sommer. The latter had had a great battle with Marcel Lehoux (Bugatti) and only gained the ultimate advantage by 4 seconds. There were no fewer than six retirements, namely Gaupillat, Miguel, Felix, Brunet, Waldthausen and Delorme. Brunet was the victim of an accident, happily with no more serious consequences than a broken ankle.


27 laps, 195 km. 300.

1. Etancelin (Alfa. Romeo), lb. 25m. 36 1/5s. 85.55 m.p.h.

2. Sommer (Alfa Romeo), lb. 28m. 24s.

3. Lehoux (Bugatti), lb. 28m. 28s.

4. V Mars (Alfa Romeo), lh. 35m. us.

5. Bussienne (Bugatti), lb. 35m. 44 2/5s.

6. Cochin (Bugatti), 1 lap.

Amilcar wins the Bol d’Or.

The 24 hour race for the Bol d’Or, held, in the forest of St. Germain, on June 4th and 5th, resulted in a win for De Gabardie on a 6 cylinder Amilcar, who covered 1,830 km. 840. 6 laps later came Vernet, on a sports Salmson, and winner of the 1,100 c.c. sports class. At 2.30 a.m. there was a considerable ” pile-up” caused by Antony (Antony) skidding broadside across the road and coining to a standstill. Four cars driven by Giraud Cabantaus (Caban), Chevalier (Chevalier), Martin (Amilcar) and Treunet (B.N.C.) immediately crashed into the stationery car, but only Martin was slightly injured.


500 c.c.

I. Robail (Argo), 1.396 km. 120. 2. Colin (Colin), 956km. 580. 750 c.c.

I. Menet (M.R.), 982 km. 300.

2. Dumoret (Sphinx) 790 km. 20.

1,100 c.c.

1. De Gabardie (Amilear), 1,830 km. 840.

2. Venot (Lapintade), 1,726 km. 340.

3. Poulain (Amilatr), 1,717 km. 980.

4. Blot (Amilcar), 1,634 km. 380.

5. Poire (Amilcar), 1,621 km. 840.

6. Foultier (A.V .1, 1 613 km. 480.

7. Giraud-Cabantous (Caban), 1,116 km. 60.

8. Chaude (Argo), 898 km. 700.


350 c.c.

1. Dupont (Antony), 911 km. 240.

500 GA.

I. Floriet (Colin), 957 km. 220. 750 c.c.

1. Goux (Rosengart), 1,454 kin. 640.

2. Bonneau (Peugeot), 798 km. 380.

1,100 c.c.

1. Vernet (Salm.son), 1,805 km. 760.

2. Debille (11.N.C.), 1,575 km. 860.

3. Delano (Aries), 1,529 km. 880.

4. Viale (Rally), 1,400 km. 300.

5. Macchi (B.N.C.), 1,333 km. 420.

6. Gauthier (Rosengart), 1,320 km. 880.

The Eifel Race.

The Eifel Race, held by the Automobil club von Deutschland on the Nurburg Ring on May 26th, resulted in a victory for Tazio Nuvolari at the wheel of a 2,600 c.c. Alfa Romeo.

The big race was preceded by an event for smaller vehicles, divided into two classes, i.e., 1,500 c.c. and 800 c.c. The lead in this race was immediately taken by Earl Howe with his 1i litre Delage. He was closely followed, however, by Burggaller on one of the new 8 cylinder Bugattis. For the whole race a great duel was waged between these two, but the British driver managed to keep ahead and finally won by 1 second. Rain fell during the race which made the circuit more difficult. In the 800 c.c. class there was a virtual walk-over for H. C. Hamilton with an M.G. Midget. The little M.G. had far more speed than any of its rivals and caused a tremendous sensation among the German crowd. In fact half way through the race Hamilton had almost lapped the rest of the field, and he finally finished first at a speed of 95.5 k.p.h. In the unlimited race a great fight was fought between Chiron and Nuvolari,

both on Alfa Romeos. Chiron led for the first three laps until a leaking petrol tank caused him to call at the pits. This stop let Von Brauchitsch on one of the streamlined Mercedes, up into second and Taruffi (Alfa Romeo) into third place, positions they maintained until the finish, in spite of heroic efforts by Chiron, who finally finished fourth.


800 c.c. 12 laps, 273.72 ktns.

1. H. C. Hamilton (M.G.), 2h. 50m. 15s., 95.5 k.p.b .

2. Kolrausch (Austin), 3h. 14m. 32s.

1,500 c.c. 15 laps, 342.15 kms.

1. Earl Howe (Delage), 3h. 17m. 42s., 103.7 k.p.h.

2. Burggaller (Bugatti), 3h. 17m. 43s.

3. Veyron (Bugatti), 3h. 23m. 36s.

Unlimited. 15 laps, 342.15 kms.

I. Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo), 3h.0m.59s., 113.5 k.p.h. 2. Von Brauchitsch (Mercedes-Benz), 3h. 6m. 545.

3. Ta.ruffi (Alfa Romeo), 3h. 9m. 9s.

4. Chiron (Alfa Romeo).

The Circuit of Orleans.

Organised by the A.C. du Centre, the Circuit of Orleans was run on May 28th over a course of 3,500 metres in the middle of the city. The race was run in different groups, with the following results :

Touring and Sports.-1st Series : 1, Perrier (Delage); 2, Stalter (Lorraine). 2nd series : 1, Bourinet (Delage); 2, Boursin (Amilcar). 3rd series: 1, Pelle (Fiat) ; 2, Martin (Amilcar).

Racing.-lst series : 1, Leoz (unspecified). 2nd series : 1, Mestivier (Amilcar). 3rd series : Bauchy (B.N.C.).

Mrs. Stewart’s records.

The past few months have witnessed an amazing series of records established by Mrs. Gwenda Stewart with the Miller specially adapted by W. I). Hawkes at the Derby works, and now known as the Derby Special. First of all the car succeeded in raising the flying mile record for Class E (up to 2,000 c.c.) to the phenomenal figure of 139.13 m.p.h. as against Eldridge’s previous record with the same car of 136.26 m.p.h. This performance was good but it did not satisfy those responsible for the car. Accordingly a fortnight later the Derby was again brought out for a further attempt, and this time proved to

be in perfect fettle. After a really magnificent run both the flying kilometre aid flying mile records were taken, the speed being 143.29 m.p.h. in each case. Finaly, Mrs. Stewart succeeded in breaking the greatly coveted lap record for the Moitlhery track at a speed of 145.94 m.p.h. The previous figure of 145.521 m.p.h. made by Divo on the 4 litre Stuitheam,has stood since 1927.

These record runs by Mrs. Stewart are really astounding when one consiolers that the engine capacity of the Derby Special is only 1,681.9 c.c. Incidentaly, an interesting point lies in the fact that for the first attempt the c.c. was 1,6’8,2. Indeed all those connected with the efort, E. A. D. Eldridge, W. D. Hawkes, ant the brilliant Mrs. Stewart are to be cougatulated on what will probably rank a, the finest track record performance of the year.

The Lwow Grand Prix.

The Grand Prix of Lwow is a “round the town” race and is the chief motoring event in Poland. On June 11t1 there were two separate races, one for 1300 c.c. machines, and the other for care of unlimited capacity. Both were o’er 100 laps of the 3.041 kilometre circuit giving a total distance of 304 kilometre,’ 1.

The small class attracted 10 starters, made up of Ripper, Mine. Itier, Simons, Veyron, Mine. Kozmian, Burggiller and Holuj on Bugattis, Landi aid Mine.

Orsini on Maseratis, and Ruesch on an .Alfa Romeo. Pierre Peyron led the field from start to finish, finishing well ahead of Burggaller. As was to be expected, this French victory over a German driver was vociferously applauded by the Poles. In the unlimited race, a great duel took place between Wiktor Widengren and Bjornstadt, both on 2.3 litre Alfa Romeos. There were actually eight starters, as follows : Kubicek, Wustrow, Morand and Nadu on Bugattis ; Bjornstadt, Widengren and Balestrero on Alfa Romeos, and Karl Ebb on a MercedesBenz, but the race resolved itself into a fight between Widengren, Bjornstadt and Balestrero. Widengren led until

near the end, but took so long over refuelling that he was passed by both Bjornstadt and Balestrero.



1. Bjornstadt (Alfa Romeo), 3h. 40m. 38.6. 51.72 m.p.h.

2. Balestrero (Alfa Romeo), 312. 43m. 53.3s.

3. Widengren (Alfa Romeo), 3h. 44m. 25.2s. Under 1,600 c.c. I. Veyron (Bugatti), 311. 52m. 44.1s. 49.06 m.p.h.

2. Burggaller (Bugatti), 3h. 54m. 20s.

3. Landi (Maserati), 3h. 55m. 36s.

4. Ripper (Bugatti), 4h. 4m. 26s.

5. Mine. (tier (Bugatti), 1 lap.

6. Mme. Kozmian(Bugatti), 7 laps.

The Grand Prix des Frontieres.

From the British point of view considerable interest attached to the Grand Prix of Frontieres by the participation of C. Penn Hughes, at the wheel of a 2.3 litre Alfa Romeo. The car was the property of Bernard Rubin and was to have been driven by Sir Henry Birkin, who was unfortunately prevented from doing so by his serious illness. The race was held over the circuit of Chimay, 10 kilometres 870 in length, under the aegis of the A.C. de BeaumontChimay. There were five classes, which attracted the following entrants : 1,100 c.c. (108 km.) Bultot (Amilcar), Betmert (Rally), Vroonen (Vroonen) : 1,500 c.c. (163 km.) Legat (Bugatti), Ge (Bugatti), Herbaux (Bugatti), Vilma (Bugatti). Huart (Bugatti) ; 2 litres, Cornet (Mathis), Thelusson (Thelusson), Georges (Bugatti; 3 litres, Longueville (Bugatti),

Duisens (Bugatti), Bourviano (Bugatti), Burgaller (Bugatti), Penn-Hughes (Alfa Romeo) ; over 3 litres, David (Georges Irat).

The race was held in the middle of a programme of motor-cycle races, and was very keenly contested. Five cars retired from various troubles, and the ultimate issue was fought out between Longueville (Bugatti) and Penn Hughes (Alfa Romeo). In the end the former won by 2 minutes, setting up a new lap record by covering the distance of 10 km. 397 at a speed of 81.25 m.p.h.


1,100 c.c.-1, Bennert (Rally), 111. 34m. 8 3/5s. 43.4 m.p.h.

1,500 c.c.-1, Legat (Bugatti) lit. 23m. 59s. 72.7 m.p.h.; 2, Ge (Bugatti), lb. 33m. 32s.

3,000 c.c.-1, Longueville (Bugatti), lit. 20m. 32 1/5s., 75.15 m.p.h.; 2, Penn Hughes (Alfa Romeo), lb. 222u. 48s.

Over 3,000 c.c.-1, David (Georges (rat), Ih. 38rs. 18s., 42.7 m.p.h.

A Royal Motor Sportsman.

The castles in the air built by impecunious motoring enthusiasts have taken a concrete form in the case of Prince Nicolas of Roumania. In a recent interview with a member of the staff of the Parisien newspaper ” L’Auto,” the Prince gave some interesting details of his keenness for all kinds of motor sport. Starting from the age of nine, when he used to drive about in his own Baby Peugeot, the Prince has owned no fewer than 68 different cars, all of sporting characteristics and emanating from factories in every automobileconstructing country. One of his early loves was an” Alphonse” Hispano-Suiza, and in recent years he had a particular affection for a 3 litre Sunbeam, with which he holds the record for the Feleac hillclimb. He has also built two or three racing cars to his own design, the most notable of which was one with a 6 cylinder Steyr engine. This car was timed over the flying kilometre at Tat at a speed of 135 m.p.h.

Naturally, Prince Nicolas is an ardent motorist apart from racing, and specialises in long distance runs. One of his better known exploits is that of driving from Bucarcst to Paris in 30 hours without leaving the wheel. 600 miles is a normal day’s run to this real motoring enthusiast.

A 50 kilometre hill-climb.

The Parma-Poggio Berceto Hill-Climb was held at Parma on May 22nd. The course is 50 kilometres in length, and fastest time was made by Brivio (Alfa Romeo), beating the redoubtable Campari by 2 seconds.

Results : 1, Brivio (Alfa Romeo) 31m. 37 2/5s. ; 2, Campari (Maserati) 31na. 39s.; 3, Ghersi (8 ugatti) 31m. 41s. ; 4, Tadini (Alfa Romeo) 32m. 2 3/5s, ; 5, Castelbareo (Alfa Romeo) 32m. 20s.; 6, Battagllo (Alfa Romeo) 32m. 34s.; 7, Balestrero (Alfa Romeo) 32m. 46s.

A road circuit for Holland ?

The advantages of a road-circuit at home have been discussed recently in Holland as a result of a project to construct a course of 30 kilometres in length in the province of Gueldre, near Arnhem. A plan of the circuit has been prepared by a group of engineers, and the estimated cost of construction is given as £750,000. The locality in which it is proposed to lay the track is wooded moorland, and provision has been made for an aerodrome.