


It is to be devoutly hoped that the 1933 Targa Florio race does not presage the gradual decline of the famous Sicilian event. From 1906 to the present day, with the exception of the War period and a few years before the War, the Targa Florio has held a premier place on the sporting calendar, ranking with the French Grand Prix as the two most important races of the season.

This year the race unaccountably failed to attract an official team of any make, and still further to reduce the prestige of the event only Borzacchini of all the first class drivers travelled to Sicily for the race. The reason for this lack of interest is difficult to find, for the race was as well organised as usual, attracted an enormous crowd, and the sum of £2,350 had been subscribed for prize money.

The weather was perfect when the cars were lined up at the start of the race on May 28th. There were 14 competitors, made up of 12 Alfa Romeos and 2 Bugattis, and driven by the following drivers : Alfa Romeo : Borzacchini, Brivio, Carraroli, Balestrero, Cucinotta, Dalessio, Gazzabini, Ghersi, Lobue, Magistri,

Virigilio. Bugatti : Casano and Giardina.

The start was given by S. E. Manareo, Under Secretary of State to the Minister of War, and the cars were sent off on their long journey of seven laps of the 72 kilometres circuit, giving a total distance of 504 kilometres. At the end of the first lap, as was expected, Borzacchini was in the lead, followed by Brivio and Ghersi. The Targa Florio course is probably more severe than any other in the world and retirements were soon announced, Magistri (Alfa Romeo) dropping out on the first lap and Giardina halving the Bugatti hopes by withdrawing en the second. Borzacchini (Alfa Romeo) continued to increase his lead, and at the end of the third lap the order was :

1. Borzacchini (Alfa Romeo), 2h. 43m.

2. Brivio (Alfa Romeo), 2b. 45m.

3. Ghersi (Alfa Romeo), 2h. 48m.

4. Carraroli (Alfa Romeo). S. Balestrero (Alfa Romeo).

6. Gazzahini (Alfa Romeo).

7. Napoli (Alfa Romeo).

8. Daiessio (Alfa Romeo).

9. Lohue (Alfa Romeo).

10. Virgilio (Alfa Romeo).

11. Cucinotta (Alfa Romeo).

12. Cann() (Bugatti).

The slightest error of judgment is sufficient to destroy all chances of success on the Targa Florio course, for the road is nearly always bordered by low walla or cut out of the side of a cliff. Consequently any car leaving the road is generally badly damaged and is not fit to continue. Such a temporary lapse overtook Borzacchini on the fourth lap near Collesano, and his retirement allowed Brivio to move up into the lead. Then Ghersi, who was lying second, had mechanical trouble with his Alfa Romeo and withdrew, his place being taken by Balestrero. From then on little change took place, and Brivio was finally flagged home first, having averaged 47.84 M.p.h., and finishing 24 minutes ahead of Balestrero.


1. Brivio (Alfa Romeo), 611, 35m. 6s., 47.84 m.p.h.

2. Balestrero (Alfa Romeo), 611. 59m. 52s.

3. Carraroli (Alfa Romeo), 7h. 7m. 455.

4. Gazzabini (Alfa Romeo).

5. Dalessio (Alfa Romeo).

The Races at Spa. race

THE race meeting organised by the R.A.C. de Belgique will be held this year in July. The first event will be a 24 hour race for sports cars, which will take plate on July 1st and 2nd. In addition to the usual awards for this race a new challenge cup has been donated by M. Freddy Thellusson, who has himself competed in every race for sports cars on the Francorchatups circuit for the past nine years.

The Grand Prix for racing cars will be held on the following Sunday, July 9th, over forty laps, giving a total distance of 372 miles, starting at 1 o’clock.

Three races cancelled.

The following races appearing on the sporting calendar will not take place : June 25th, Angouleme Hill Climb ; July 9th, Grand Prix de Bordeaux ; August 6th, Grand Prix Feminin de Nice.

Mme. Mareuse Injured.

We regret to record that an accident befell the well known French lady-driver, Mine. Mareuse, when driving her Bugatti in the Bourg-en-Bresse hill climb. Mine. Mareuse suffered chiefly from head injuries. but latest reports of her condition are reassuring.

The Ferrari Puesenberg.

There have been many rumours about the Duesenberg which is in the possession of the Studeria Ferrari. First it was going to he driven by Nuvolari at Indianapolis, then at the Avus track, and finally it was reported to be Nuvolarfs mount for the French G. P. The latest rumour is that the car will make its first appearance at the Marseilles G.P. on the Miramas track, on August 27th. By the way, the car has an 8 cylinder engine of 4,500 c.c. unblovvn, is equipped with a single-seater body, has a total weight of 750 kilos, and is said to be capable of 160 m.p.h.