

Sports car owners, especially thosetaking part in competitions, will be interested to hear that, following upon the many successes in trials and competitions during the present season, Singers have initiated at Coventry a Competitions department, under the control of Mr. F. S. Barnes. He will be pleased to place the services of his department at the disposal of those Singer owners intending to participate in trials. Mr. Barnes has himself been a consistently successful performer and

has held the premier awards and trophies during the past seven years in all the wellknown reliability trials.

He commenced competition work in 1917 with motor cycles of various makes and made a name for himself in this field, until in 1921 he entered four-wheel competition work with a cyclecar, competing regularly for seven years. In 1928 he entered for the R.A.C. Ulster T.T., the first post war road race, and was the first to drive a baby car in any R.A.C. T.T. race.

He has entered for this race every year since.

Since 1928 he has also taken part in most of the international racing events held in Great Britain, including the Irish Grand Prix, the 500 mile race and the Brooklands six-hour race.

The benefit of Mr. Barnes’ extensive experience, which is at the disposal of all Singer enthusiasts entering trials and competitions, should prove of immense advantage.