Club News, July 1933


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The Opening Meeting was held at Screw Hill, Caernarvon, on May 21st.

The majority of those attending travelled down on Saturday and spent the night at the Nanhoron Arms Hotel at Nevin, the proprietress of which managed to find very comfortable quarters for some 35 people. H. J. Aldington was heard to complain that a large and long dead dogfish had appeared in his bedroom, but we have been asked to state that this was not a part of the normal hotel service ! A further convoy of members arrived on Sunday morning and activities were soon transferred to the Hill. After making due allowance for the psychological effects of precipitous edges and a rock

strewn surface Screw Hill is not quite so severe as might be expected from its reputation, and several performers made the climb appear quite simple.

H. J. .A.1dington opened the proceedings on an ancient aluminium motor of 1926 vintage, which came up with power in hand, and later on registered another clean ascent when driven by its owner, S. H. H. Cundey. Entrants were sent to the foot of the hill three at a time, as there is no alternative route to the top, and each group of three was seen safely to the summit before the next group was allowed to descend. The redoubtable Aldington was No. 1 in the first group ; this time in the Monte Carlo Rally Car. He shot to the top in a shower of stones and although his bottom gear ratio was 11.75 to 1, actually changed up on the comparatively straight stretch after the first three bends. D. G. Hopkins

followed, and in spite of pulling off a tyre on the fourth bend made one of the best climbs of the day. E. Ingraan scored the first failure by letting his revs, drop too low on the bottom hairpins, and he reached the top behind two horses. H. Patrick Holden oiled a plug and also needed assistance. H. H. Porter-Hargreaves made a very neat and rapid climb on a T.T. replica car, and was followed by C. M. Needham, who made an equally pretty climb in a similar model. Mrs. Needham, in the same car, was not quite so successful but made, a good restart without the assistance of the horses.

J. V. Bolster had removed his wings and started the climb at a great speed, but an extra large rock caused his gear lever to jump out of engagement ; he restarted with human assistance only. F. B. Robinson made a rousing ascent with a Colmore model. Lieut. -Colonel O. L. Ruck put up a very sporting effort with a full four seater dating from 1926, with a black spaniel sitting sedately in the rear seats to prevent wheelspin. He failed on the steep gradient after the lower hairpins, but restarted in a most convincing manner and completed the climb non stop.

As the last three cars were climbing a mobile policeman appeared, and with the assistance of the local constable, who was in plain clothes, began to take names as a preliminary to proceedings under the Sunday Observance Act of 1677. The unfortunate Secretary was last seen entering the county police station at Pwlhelei.


At a motor-cycle grass track meeting held at Layhams Farm, West Wickham, a race for cars up to 850 c.c. was included. The event proved to be a big draw for the crowd, who numbered 10,000. The race was run in two heats and a final, and produced the following results : Winner Heat 1, L. Stone (M.G. Midget), 33.25 m.p.h. Winner, Heat 2, J. H. Freeman (33 M.G. Midget), 33 m.p.h. Final, 1, L. Stone (M.G. Midget), 34.26 m.p.h. ; 2, J. H. Freeman (M.G. Midget 33);

3, J. F. Parker (Austin).


The May issue of the Club’s journal ” Bugantics ” is a great improvement on anything that has been attempted in the past, and it now places ” Bugantics ” well ahead of any other Club magazine. This issue contains, among other items, a very entertaining account of a competitor’s experiences in the Lands End, two excellent drawings by R. G. Hunt, two pages of photographs of the Club’s opening Rally, and the Reports of the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasury for the year.

THE G.W. MOTOR CLUB. The June issue of the Club’s journal “The Exhaust” contains much interesting information on the activities of the Club. The programme outlined for May was carried through without a hitch, including a Club Run to Frensham and a Mystery Run, organised by Mr. Paul Hardy, which finished at Bognor. The results of the Mystery Run were as follows :

1. Silver Medal. D. Pullen, 881 marks.

2. Silver Medal. B. de Mattes, 871 marks.

3. Bronze Medal. R. Day, 84 marks.

4. Bronze Medal. Mrs. Bywaters, 80 marks.

N.W. LONDON m.c. Lawrence Car Trial,

on May 20th, attracted an entry of 32 cars, and was run as usual over a sporting course in the Chiltern Hills. Although there were no hills worthy of being observed, two stop and restart tests,

a brake test, and a” To and Pro” tended to weed competitors out into an order of merit. A proficiency test was to have been held, but had to be abandoned as it became unfair.

After leaving the ” King’s Head” at Holtspur, the route passed via Penn Church, Haslemere, Napp Hill, and Bradenham to Marlow Bottom, where the To and Fro test was held. A good deal of excitement was seen here, people charging the bank in their enthusiasm. J. H. Freeman on a J3 Midget took a long time to accomplish the manoeuvre, as did Dr. E. C. Weiss (Hillman Wizard), G. E. Ferguson (Lagonda), D. Hubbard (Alvis), and H. J. Ripley (Riley). Outstandingly good performances were made by R. Gaspar (Vale Special), C. V. Wells (Riley), A. Negal (Morris Major) and C. H. Lawfork(Singer). The stop and restart on Lewknor Hill was easy, with the hill in a bone-dry condition. Only two people failed to cover the 15 yards in 6 seconds, these being

J. G. C. Bond (Morris Minor) and W. K. Hubbard (Alvis). A similar test on Maidens Grove proved more difficult and accounted for eight failures, W. E. C. Greensleaf (Riley), Dr. E. C. Weiss (Hillman), F. A. Thatcher (Triumph), I. Bowman (Riley), C. V. Glass (Singer), K. E. Lilley (Riley), S. S. Randall (Austin) and C. G. If. Dunham (Rover Pilot).

At Fawley an original brake test was held, in which competitors had to coast with engine off between two lines, come to a standstill on the second, restart and accelerate. Best time was made by Bond (Morris Minor), while others who were good were Gaspar (Vale Special) and A. Negal (Morris Major).

The proficiency test which followed had to be stopped because the late corners made too many preparations for the job of changing over the front wheels—which was unfair to the first arrivals. The trial finished with much talk at the East Arms Hotel, Hurley, and was voted a great success by all.


Lawrence Cup.—A. Negal (Morris Major) 100, Ripley Cup.—C. V. Wells (Riley)100.

Visitors Cu p.—C . H. Lawford (Singer) 100. Ladies Cup.—Mrs. J. M. Vaughan (Standard) 98. First Class Awards.—R. valley (Essex) 100,

R. Gaspar (Vale Special) 100. Silver Medals. 98 marks, A. A. Rigby (Hornet Special), V. H. Tuson (Fiat), F. Sf orza (M.G. Magna) ; 97 marks : Miss A. Sandell (Riley), G. W. Olive (Standard), J. R. ‘1’. Niemeyer (Hillman), Mrs. C. Scudamore (Singer), C. G. Fitt (M.G.), H. J . Ripley (Riley), 95 marks: J. G. V. Bond (Morris Minor), W. E. C. Greenleaf (Riley), J. H. Freeman (M.G.), G. E. Ferguson (Lagonda), M. H. Lawson (Singer), Miss R. Game (Hornet Special), S. S. Randall (Austin),

C. G. H. Dunham (Rover Pilot). Bronze Medals.-94 marks: F. A. Thatcher (Triumph) ; 93 marks : C. V. Glass.(Singer) ; 92 marks:

K. E. Lilley (Riley), W. K. Hubbard (Alvis) ; 90 marks: Dr. E. C. Weiss (Hillman); 88 marks : L. Bowman (Hornet Special).

Team Prize.—N.W. London No. 1, J. G. C. Bond (Morris Minor), F. Sforza (M.G. Magna) and H. J. Ripley (Riley).


The Vesey Cup Trial, held on May 20th, was much easier than usual, owing to the dry condition of the course. Of the 40 odd. competitors who set out on the 70 mile route there were but few failures on hills. Consequently the order of merit was decided on various special tests, the first of which was a reversing test. In this the best performance was made by H. R. Attwood (M.G.). After a sandy stretch known as “The Sahara,” Bewdley and High Oak Hill were reached, which were in dry and therefore good condition.

The first real difficulty was encountered when the stop and restart test was held on Flagstaff Hill. The next two hills, Lem and Dick, were fairly easy, and soon afterwards the competitors tackled the route in the reverse direction. Finally, the trial ended with a “special test B” for acceleration and braking. In this the best performances were made by J. A. M. Patrick (Wolseley Hornet Patrick Special), P. Strong (Hornet Special), R. S. Langford (Prazer Nash) and A. B. Langley (M.G. Magna). The Vesey Cup for the best performance of the day was awarded to that well known trials driver, J. A. M. Patrick (Patrick Hornet Special).


Vesey Cup (for best performance).—J. A. M. Patrick (1,271 c.c. Patrick Wolseley), 31.4.

Watson Gwynne Bowl (for best performance of car under 1,100 c.c.).—H. R. Attwood (847 c.c. M.G.), 31.8: Carless Cup (for best performance of a car over 1,100 c.c.).—T. L. Langford (1,271 c.c. Wolseley), 33.4.

Visitors’ Awards.—G. Rea (847 c.c. M.G. 36.5. Novice Award.—K. B. Davis (847 c.c. Morris), 43.3. Team Prize.—Patrick team : J. A. M. Patrick (1,271 Patrick Wolseley), K, S. Langford (1,496 c.c. FrazerNash), T. 1,. Langford (1,271 c.c. Wolseley). First-class Awards.—A. Langley (972 c.c. Singer), J. A. Bastock (847 c.c. 14.0.), A. E. Carr (972 c.c. Singer), R. S. Langford (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash),

F. S. P. O’Hagan (1,250 c.c. M.G.), J. Priestley (1,290 c.c. Standard), W. E. Holland (1,271 c.c. Wolseley), W. T. Platt (746 c.c. M.G.) and R. S. Richardson (747 c.c. Austin) tie.

Second-class Awards-3. G. Orford (747 c.c.Austin), R. T. Gardner (847 c.c. M.G.), J. F. Kemp (847 c.c. M.G.), J. F. Connell (847 c.c. M.G.), H. K. Crawford (1,271 c.c. Wolseley), W. A. Panting (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), R. Baker (972 c.c. Singer), H. J. Marjorie (1,087 c.c. Sahrison).


The results of the Scottish Six Days’ Trial were as follows :

Best under 850 c.c.—Leslie Robson (M.G. 33). Best 850-1,000 c.c.—F. R. G. Spikins (Singer Nine).

Best 1,100-1,500 c.c.—N. H. Kemp (Riley Twelve). Best over 1,500 c.c.—Hon. Mrs. Chetwynd (Ford V.8).

SILVER CUPS (No marks lost).

T. Wagner (Morris Minor), Miss M. Dickson (M.G. 31, Harry Hearn (M.G. J2), Leslie Robson (M.G. J3 , F. R. G. Spikins (Singer Nine), G. P. Spouse (Singer Nine), G. M. Frame (Singer Nine), R. C. Player (Riley Nine), W. H. Hitchmtin (Riley Niue), Miss M. Allan (Ford V8), Hon. Mrs. Chetwynd (Ford V-8), Norman Black (Singer Nine).


D. Donaldson (M.G. 33), B2; A. W. P. Smith (M.G. J2), B2 ; IT. J. Stewart (M.G. J2), B2 ; W. J • B. Richardson (Singer Nine), In.1 ; Jack Hobbs (Riley Nine), In.I ; N. H. Keep (Riley Twelve C2; H. Alexander (Ford V-8, Al.


H. P. Barge (Morris Minor) , H) 0, B2 ; Bert Morris (Singer Nine), In.10, 1110, C2, B2; G. H. Strong (Standard Little 12), missed part of route) ; Miss P. D. Goodban (Wolseley Hornet), Tc.18, Tp.10, Cl; H. J. Stroud (Riley Twelve), Tc.40 ; A. H. Oxenford (Standard Big Twelve), Tc.16, Al; Miss V. Wild (Wolseley Hornet), Tc.38, 1’1.1; Tp.10 ; A. P. Watson (3,190 Armstrong Siddeley), In.1, 1-110 ; N. Garrard (Crossley Ten), Tp.1, B2; B. W. Fursdon (Austin Seven), Tc5, H10; Miss Pay Taylour (Ford V-8), A10.

Club Team Prize.—M.G. Car Club, Scottish Centre (Miss M. Dickson, D. Donaldson and H. J. Stewart).

One-make Team Prize.—Ford team (Miss M. Allan, Hon. Mrs. Chetwynd and 1-f. Alexander).

Key to markslost.—Tc. =Time check, A = Arnulree In.=Inverfarigaig, ‘fp. =Tornapress, H =Hudson Hill, B =Blackford Hill, C =condition at final examination.


The revival in Scottish motoring sport was greatly assisted on May 27th by a sporting trial held by the Scottish Sporting Car Club over a fifty mile course in the South Coast of Scotland. Forty competitors entered including two ladies.

A feature of the trial was the entering of three home designed bodies ; one car indeed was completely designed by its driver and it gave an excellent account of itself. More will be heard of J. Anderson and his very special” Special.”

The honours were fairly evenly divided between the East and West ; D. Murray, Jnx., taking home the “under 1,500” award and E. J. Boyd the unlimited. The chief obstacle was the observed section at Costerton, and with great difficulty one singles out Cockburn (Singer) Prosser (Hornet), Dickson (Riley) and G. F. Simpson (Ford) for special mention in much magnificent driving. The section was really difficult for the later cars

especially ; indeed one stuck so badly that he was there for an hour and the rest of the trial had to wait. The offending car (an S.S.1) went on and clocked third best time to Fulton’s big Bentley in the acceleration tests. Prosser’s beautiful Trinity Hornet was second.


Premier Award.—D. Murray, Jnr. (M.G. Magna). Best Unlimited.—E. J. Boyd (1954 Supercharged Lagonda).

Acceleration Test.—W. F. Fulton (Bentley), 14 2/5 sees.

Prize Team.—” A ” Team, Miss J. C. Martin (Morris Minor), D. j. Cockburn (972 Singer), 3. E. Playfair (972 Singer).

First Class Awards.—A. Cairns (746 M.G.), W Stevenson (747 Austin), J. R. Nisbet (847 14.0.), J. E. L. Bryson (3.2 Midget), R. W. Goalen (847 M.G.), N. C. Christison (847 31.0.), Miss J. C. Martin (849 Morris), D. j. Cockburn (972 Singer Sports), N. W. Gibson (1006 Standard), A. J. Dickson 1089 Riley), H. 0. McKerrow (M.G. Magna), D. Murray (M.G. Magna), J. 0. McGregor (WoLseley Hornet), P. Gordon (Wolseley Hornet), A. Frew (Wolseley Hornet), 3. Anderson (Anderson Special), B. 3. Boyd (Supercharged Lagonda). Second Class Awards.—j. Playfair (972 Singer), P.H.C.D udgeon (1087 Riley), R. H. Thomas (Wolseley Hornet), R. M. Scott Brown (Wolseley Hornet), D. H. Prosser (Trinity Hornet), H. C. Kennedy (Wolseley Hornet), P. Palermi (Wolseley Hornet), A. Dods (1645 Alvis), A. Clarkson (Ford), G. M. Goudie (1861 Austin), R. D. Hunnam (S.S.I), G. F. Simpson (Ford), W. F. Fulton (Bentley), F. R. B. Stewart (Morris Cowley),

Third Class Awards.—J. T. Anderson (1056 Humber), H. E. Gibbon (1185 Raver), S. George (1635 Riley), J. W. L. R. Mitchell (Talbot), Miss L. A. Watson (2054 Standard).


For the first time a car class was held in the Club’s hill climb at Reeth. Summer Lodge Bank, the scene of activity, is a longish hill with two hair-pin bends and a very rough surface. Two good climbs were registered by L. Lambert (Morris Minor) and W. Outhwaite (Amilcar) and these two tied for first place in the car class. R. Rose, who happened to be in the neighbourhood after finishing his duties as an official in the London-toEdinburgh Trial, made an attempt to climb the hill with his 3 litre Bentley, but wheelspin caused him to stop and he had to be pushed to the top

On June 11th a very interesting reliability trial was held for the H. W. Payne Cup. The route followed was a very sporting one of 70 miles in length, and included such well-known hills as Buttertubs Pass, West StOnesdale, and the Stang. The finish was at the Morritt Arms, Rokeby, where over 40 competitors and officials talked over the day’s sport at tea.


1 (H. W. Payne Cup), J. Jennings (12 h.p. Austin) ; 2, J. Imes (12 h.p. Austin) ; 3, L. Lambert (Morris Minor) ; best novice, W. A. Lee (Morris Minor).


A new venue for sand-racing has been found by the club, and a race meeting was held successfully last month. The entries for this event were nearly all M.G.’s, and after a good day’s sport the following were the final results :

1,250 c.c. Unsupercharged, 5 laps : W. Pratt (M.G. Magna).

Unlimited, 5 laps : D. Donaldson (M.G. Midget S.).

Unlimited, 7 laps : D. Donaldson_ (M.G. Midget S.).

Unlimited, 10 laps handicap : D. Donaldson (M.G. Midget S.).

In view of the success of this meeting another has been arranged for July 5th. It is hoped that there will be sufficient entries received to enable an open permit to be obtained.


A large entry has been received for the Scarborough Rally and Trial, which will take place from July 6th to 8th. It will be remembered that this event has been specially planned to appeal to both the sporting and sOcial sections of the Club. A simultaneous start will be made by both Rally and Trial competitors, who have the choice of the following starting controls :—London, Bristol, Chester, Edinburgh or Birmingham, and all will converge on Harrogate. Prom then on the competitors will divide into two groups, the Rally cars proceeding by main roads to Scarborough, and the trials people taking a sporting course of usual M.C.C. standard, finishing at Scarborough. Rosedale Chimney will be included in this section.

Finally, at Scarborough a set of special tests will be held for all competitors.


Full details of the British Empire Trophy Meeting appear elsewhere in this issue of MOTOR SPORT. Below will be found the entry list for the various car races :

” INDIA ” TROPHY RACE. (Under 1,100 c.c.)

K. a Evans, M.G. Midget. G. H. S. Balmain, )Iidget. J. C. Elwes, M.G. Iidt

H. R. Attwood, .1.1.G. Midget. R. ‘1’. Horton, M.G. Midget. H. T. H. Clayton, Amilcar, W. A. Cuthbert, Riley.

E. K. Rayson, Riley.

G. P. A. Manby-Colegraye, M.G. Magnette.

H. G. Dobbs, Riley.

G. P. H. Noble, Salmson.

B. 0. Davis, M.G. Magnette. R. A. Yallop, M.G. Magnette.

H. Widengren, Amilcar. ” CANADA ” TROPHY RACE. (Over 1,100 c.c.)

T. A. S. 0. Mathieson, Bugatti.

J. Street, Bugatti.

R. 0. Shuttleworth, Bugatti.

B. H. Wickins, Bugatti. Charles Follett, ..Alvis.

C. T. Delaney, Lea-Francis. Frank Hallam, Alvis.

K. Maxwell, Bugatti.

C. G. H. Dunham, Alvis. R. R. K. Marker, Bentley.

G. I,. Baker, Minerva.

H. Stisted, Mercedes-Benz.


0. H. J. Bertram, Delage.

Kaye Don, Bugatti.

John Cobb, Napier-Railton.

Count Czaykowski, Bugatti. (And selected fast cars in the previous



Early in July the Club will fake advantage of the invitation of the Firestone Tyre Company to inspect their works on the Great West Road, London.

On June 18th a very enjoyable afternoon was spent at the M.G. Works at Abingdon. Mr. Cecil Kimber very kindly arranged for some of the more important sections of the works to be in action, in spite of the fact that it was a Sunday, and the party witnessed for themselves the successive stages in the production of Britain’s most popular sports car. Afterwards, the Club party were the guests of the M.G. Company for tea.

The great annual event of the Club, the Relay Race, will be held on July 22nd at Brooklands. Entries have already closed, but at the time of going to press a full list is not available.

The method of running the Relay Race will be familiar to most of our readers, but for this year a slight alteration has been made to the method used in the” changeover.” After the start the ” B ” and ” C” cars will be lined up in the special enclosure beyond the pits, stretching to a point beyond the Vickers Bridge. When a change-over is made the driver just pulls into his pit and hands over the token to the next driver, who is already waiting in the pit. The latter dashes foward to his car and. sets off. The obvious advantage of this method lies in the fact that when a car has to retire before finishing its 30 laps, there is no delay in the next man setting off.