



ALTHOUGH there was a disappointing entry this year, the Yachting World Trophy race proved to be quite a success. Non-starters were Storey (broken con-rod), Feddon (top-bearing seizure), Lanfranci (business) and Harrison:

At the dropping of the flag there was the usual spectacular start, and Salvi, Whitehorn and Palethorpe vanished together in the lead. C. J. Turner and King did not appear on the first round, King having snapped his propellor shaft. Much to the general surprise, Palethorpe was the first round (he only had a 350 c.c. engine), followed by Salvi, Taylor and Allen, in that order.

Almost immediately another bunch came into view, including Whitehorn, Bevan and Bedford, followed by Boyer, Guest, Miller and Phil Turner. Miller, who was driving a ” Birmal ” all-metal boat, was having trouble with his Elto and is reputed to have restarted it 75 times before passing out.

Lap after lap saw Palethorpe gain slightly, his little Sharland beating all the larger motors without handicap, while following him came Salvi, Allen, and Taylor.

Trouble soon set in among the leaders, however, and Salvi began a series of plug changes while Allen and Taylor both began to frown and make adjustments.

After 15 laps Palethorpe was missing and it was learned that he had split several planks, and so ended the most hectic ride of the day.

Meanwhile Allen had stopped at the pits with a damaged cylinder joint, and soon after he got away, Salvi came in to change more plugs ; almost immediately coming in again to fit his covers.

Guest and Boyer now retired. Guest with ignition trouble and Boyer with a stove in plank. This left four runners in the following order.

1. ‘W. P. Allen, 20 laps.

2. A. C. Whitehorn, 18 laps.

3. S. Salvi, 18 laps.

4. P. Bevan, 17 laps.

Salvi was now having his first really trouble-free run and was making up a steady 2 minutes per lap. The task of catching Allen, however, was a hopeless one, barring trouble, but on the last lap Allen failed to appear for some moments after he was due and there was a tense moment. Finally, however, he came into sight and won at an average speed of 26.40 m.p.h., followed by Salvi (25.71), the only finishers.

All the hard work of organising the meeting was done by Arthur Bray as usual, who gave an excellent running commentary over the loud speakers throughout the race.

The B.M.B.C. deserve the thanks of everyone for the loan of their club ship, ” relminda.” upon which was mounted the large score board, so efficiently operated by ” Father” Head, whose task, unfortunately, became so much easier towards the end.