

I / ENLY’S 1932 Rally was their biggest success yet—

in spite of the Brooklands ban on events of this description. Undeterred by the refusal of the Brooklands authorities to allow them to hold their meeting at Weybridge, that enterprising firm proceeded to plan a gigantic Rally and Gymkhana at the Heston Airport, and actually sent out 25,000 invitations.

Their efforts were amply rewarded. A tremendous crowd of 15,000 spectators turned up, and the whole affair was a model of what this sort of thing should be. There was so much to see and hear and do that there was never a dull moment during the whole afternoon. The Meeting began with a Concours d’Elegance for classes of Alvis, Rover, Riley, Swallow, Standard, Austin, and other makes. An unusual feature of this event was that cars were judged in relation to their age, so that the Alvis class was actually won by C. R. C. Powell’s 1924 car ! Much amusement was caused by “Musical Chairs,” in

which competitors had to drive round a group of chairs, stop when the band ceased playing, and run for a chair. The winner was L. D. Walf ord. Then the attention of the crowd was directed skyward, while Mr. Brie showed off the capabilities of the C19 Mark IV Autogiro. At the end of his display Mr. Brie “anchored at 5,000 feet in order to judge the Altitude Race, in which competitors had to climb as rapidly as they could to that height. This event promised to be of considerable interest as a means of comparing the relative performances of various machines, as the entrants were a Comper Swift, a Moth, a Bellanca, a Lockheed Vega and a Spartan. Actually, it was very difficult, from the ground, to be sure of the comparative heights of the machines as they climbed, through the discrepancy in their size, and the lack of ” landmarks “in the sky. However, it was announced that the Bellanca, piloted by Mr. Findlay, was the first to arrive at 5,000 feet, followed by the Gipsy II Moth

and the Hermes Spartan.

On terra firma the next item was a very thrilling “chariot race ” in which competitors drove two wheeled chariots towed by cars. Bumpy ground, plus the enthusiasm of the competitorsmade the event a roaring success, and one likely to prove very popular in future meetings of this sort. Other aerial performances were given, including a parachute descent by Mr. Tranum, a display of aerobatics, and a ” bombing” episode, while all

the time the Imperial Airways liner ” Horatius ” made repeated journeys for joy-rides and visits to Brooklands to see how the 1,000 Miles Race was progressing.

At the end, Miss Amy Johnson, who, with her fiancé, Mr. A. J. Mollison, presided over the meeting, distributed the prizes.

Splendid organisation and a general air of festivity combined to make the Rally a thoroughly enjoyable affair, and the Joint Managing Directors of Henly’s, Ltd., Mr. Frank Hough and Mr. H. G. Henly, are to be congratulated upon their good work.


MUSICAL CHAIRS: 1, Lance D. Walford ; 2, T. G. Bassham ; 3, C. S. Dickson-Geertz. POTATO A11113 BUCKET RACE: 1, H. W. Corp ; 2,

H. L. Kelman ; 3, C. Warren Aronson.

CI1ARIOT liAcE : 1, R. Williams ; 2, J. O’Donnell ; 3, Lance D. Walford.

GREYHOUND RACE: 1, J. F. Drake ; 2, W. H. Pratt ; 3, Miss Vincent.

Comourts D’ELEGANCE.—Alvis cars : G. R. C. Powell (1924). Rover Cars : Mrs. Margaret Grose (1932). Riley cars : Miss P. B. Fursier (1931). Swallow and S.S. cars: I,. W. Hermes (1930.) Standard cats: Lt. G. H. Iles, R.N. (1932). Austin cars : F. A. Barnicoat (1925). Other makes of car : 1, Miss A. Lorenzo (1932 Morris-Cowley); 2, G. Newell.

Newell. A New Oil for Sports Oars.

THE makers of ” Filtrate ” Oils tell us of an important addition to their well known grades. It will be known as Sports ” Filtrate” Oil to meet the wants of owners of sports models, which are now more popular than ever before. The claims for this oil are that it will stand up to the hardest work ; will keep the engine free from carbon ; and will provide easy starting at cold temperatures.

Records Confirmed by the I.A.R.A.C.

The following International Class Records have been confirmed by the I. A. R. A. C. :— Class F. 24 hours, by a 1,467 c.c. Peugeot driven by Roux and the late

Andre Boillot, at Miramas track, on June 1st and 2nd. Distance covered, 1,646 miles, 1,126 yards, at an average speed of 68.61 m.p.h. Class I. 1 kilometre and 1 mile, standing start, by a 493 c.c. D.K.W. Silton

Special, driven by V. de Strasser Sam; at Neunkirchen on April 10th, at an average speed of 55.83 m.p.h. and 59.68 m.p.h. respectively. World’s and International Class D Records, from 40,000 to 80,000 miles, from 60,000 kilometres to 130,000 kilometres, from 18 days to 54 days, and

International Class D records, 5,000 miles to 30,000 miles, 10,000 kilometres to 50,000 kilometres, 2 days to 17 days, by a 2,659 c.c. Citroen, driven by C. and L. Marchand, Combette, Fortin and De Presale, at Montlhery from March 5th to April 28th, at speeds varying from 64_m.p.h. to 70 m.p.h.