


NOWADA VS one often hears the complaint that modern cars have become so stereotyped that enthusiasm of owners for their cars is a thing of the past. What a contradiction to this statement is the fact that on June 10th and 11th no less than 112 Riley owners travelled from all parts of the country to compete in the annual 24-hour Rally and Reliability Trial organised by the Riley Motor Club !

The event was of a dual nature, starting with a Rally at Llandudno, from where competitors were sent off on a winding, tricky course embracing most of North Wales. It says much for the reliability of modern cars that every one of the 112 entrants arrived safely at Llandudno on the morning of the 11th without trouble. Having bathed, breakfasted and refuelled their vehicles, the drivers were then sent off on the first stage of the trials course to Pennant Hill. Here competitors had to average 24 m.p.h., no mean task as the hill was

fairly steep, and had a nasty unheralded hairpin bend, which proved the undoing of quite a few people. An outstanding performance was made by that experienced driver, Jack Hobbs and C. V. Wells.

Bwlch-y-Groes, the next obstacle, nearly had to be omitted from the programme through the local council having decided to dig a large crater in the middle of the road. However, willing helpers soon filled up the good work of the council, and the trial continued. It will be remembered that last year most of the Alpine Six Rileys (then a new model) boiled fairly vigorously on the notorious Welsh Hill, and a good many people wondered if the Club were quite wise to include the hill in the Trial again this year. But the Riley Club, and incidentally the manufacturers, were amply justified, for by improvements in carburation and cooling, the 1932 Sixes can play with the gradient without the slightest signs of steam. After an excellent lunch at the

beautifully situated Vyrnwy Hotel, the competitors followed a devious course via the Bala pass, back to Llandudno, where a dinner was held at the Town Hall, and prizes were distributed by Miss Joan Richmond, one of the heroines of the 1,000 Miles Race at Brooklands.

The Riley Club are to be congratulated on their courage in organising a trial which tests competing cars to the full. Their policy is a sound one-the enthusiasm of Riley owners for their cars is sufficient proof!


THE SKI-LADY CHALLENGE TROPHY (for maximum marks gained).-P. Gorna, 9 h.p. tourer from York.

THE SERVICE CHALLENGE CUP (for the oldest vehicle to complete the course).-H. H. F. Keogh, 10.9 h.p. Riley from London.

THE DIRECTORS’ CHALLENGE TROPHY (for maximum marks gained by trade entrant).-J. Hobbs, Monaco from London.

THE DORIZIDGE CHALLENGE TROPY (awarded to team entrant whose team gains the highest marks).V. E. Ratcliffe, Monaco from Norwich.

THE CLUB SALVER (for maximum marks gained by a novice).-G. Malpas, Monaco from Southsea.

THE BLAKE CHALLENGE CuP (for maximum marks gained by a 9 h.p. car).-Mrs. H. Goodwin, Monaco from Norwich. THE SECRETARY’S TANKARDS (for maximum marks gained by any six-cylinder 14 h.p. Riley). J. J. Dykes, Alpine Six front London. •

THE HAROLD PHIPPEN CHALLENGE TROPHY (for maximum marks gained by lady entrant).-Miss P. L. J. McKenzie, Monaco from Norwich.