



T•EN years ago the most important road race in the world was the French Grand Prix. To win this race was the ambition of manufacturers and drivers alike, the blue rib and of motor racing. Then came the advent of ” sports ” car racing, and the prestige of the race declined. Entries fell off until the race was no longer held. During the last four years, however, the event has increased in popularity, until this year; with an entry list of 23 of the finest racing cars of to-day, driven by the pick of English and Continental drivers, there is every possibility of the French Grand Prix becoming once more the premier road race of the year. The race is to be held on July 3rd on the circuit of Rheims, just outside the city, and will be a 5-hour event. The length of the circuit is 8 kilometres, or 5 miles, thus ensuring a good view of the race for the spectators, for on d longer course when the cars are strung out, there are very often long gaps between their appearance


GAUPILLAT (Bugatti). ETANCELIN (Alfa Romeo). FOURNY (Bugatti). CH IRON (Bugatti).

SOMMER (Alfa Romeo). B(.)RZACCHINI (Alfa Romeo). B ENOIT (Bugatti).

W NI I I LE (Alfa Romeo). CAM PART (Alfa Romeo). K A I’ I -DON (Bugatti). Z El fENDER (Alfa Romeo). PESATO (Alfa Romeo). LORD HOWE (Bugatti). CA.RACCIOLA (Alfa Romeo). DIN'()

NI’ („I RI (Alfa Romeo).


VARZI (Bugatti).

TF.4).; ‘,DI (Bugatti). WILLIAMS (Alfa Romeo).

D I ‘S (Bugatti). FELIX (Alfa Romeo).

in front of the stands. The details of the race are being arranged by the Automobile Club of Champagne, under the able direction of M. Raymond Roche. The race itself should prove a really thrilling affair. To begin with, there will be a further round in the Bugatti-AlfaRomeo duel, The Molsliehn people will be making a tremendous effort to win on their own ground, as-it were, and to avenge their defeats at Monaco, the Targa Florfo, and Monza. On the other hand, the All aRomeos are in winning form and will be fancied to pull the race off. Divo,

and Varzi will drive for Bugatti, while the Alfa drivers will probably be Nuvolar;, Borzacchini and Campari. In addition there is a very strong ” supporting caste ” of individual entries, and one has only to glance at the names of Williams, Etancelin Earl Howe, Lehoux, Wimille, Kaye Don, Zehender and Sir Henry Birkin to realise that there is bound to be 41 race of the fiercest nature on July 3rd.

The Spanish Grand Prix. I.A.C.R. announce that the

THE I.A.C.R. announce that the Spanish Grand Prix which was to have been held on September 25th, will not take place, In view of the fact that the Grand Prix of Marseilles is to be run on the Miramas track on the same day, the cancellation of the Spanish event will ensure a good entry for the French race.

Benoist and Benoit. A at the results of the

A cursory glance at the results of the Grand Prix de Nimes, a full account of which appeared in last month’s issue of MOTOR SPORT, gave several people the impression that Robert Benoist, the famous French driver who raced several times at Brooklands on Salmson and Delage cars, had returned to racing. This is not the case ; for Benoit, the winner at Nimes, has no connection with the famous Frenchman, nor with the latter’s brother, Maurice. In actual fact, Benoit’s real name is Benoit Patchett°. Hailing from Nice, he has taken part in several races at the wheel of an Amilear, and has distinguished himself at the La Turbie Hill Climb.

Dreyfus to drive a Bugatti. Rene after

Rene Dreyfus, after racing for Maserati, being their French representative, for eighteen months, drove his last race for that firm at the Avus Meeting. In future he will handle a double-camshaft 2.3litre Bugatti, and made his first appearance at the wheel of his new mount on the Ntunberg Ring race, a report of which appears elsewhere in this issue.

The Grand Prix of Casablanca. the of to

Through the exigencies of going to press, we were unable to include in our June issue an account of the Grand Prix of Casablanca, which was run on May 22nd, but for the benefit of our readers to

NO10111 :11 ( 4It )1( SPORT comprises .a complete history of the season’s racing, we are giving a short description of this interesting race.

A tremendous crowd filled the grandstands, and thronged the length of the course. The weather was fine, but a Strong sea breeze reduced the speed of cars an the road bordering the coast. Twenty-one cars came to the starting line, there being 14 Bugattis, 3 AlfaRomeoS, 3 Maseratis and 1 Amilcar, and the following well-known drivers were competing : Wimille (Bugatti)„ Etancelin (Alfa-Romeo), Zehender (Alfa-Romeo), Lehoux (Bugatti), Czaikowski (Bugatti), Caupillat (Bugatti) and Scaron (Amilcar). Caupillat was delayed at the line, and at the end of the first lap Wimille led from Lehoux, followed by Benoit, Etancelin and Czaikowski. Wimille steadily increased his lead over Lehoux, and drove in a most masterly fashion. It is a recognised fact in France that this young driver has a most promising future, and his performance to-day was certainly a further prod of his skill. Zehender retired, as did Mole on a Bugatti. In the 1,500 c.c. class a stirring battle was being waged between Scaron and

Vevron (Maserati). Etancelin passed Benoit, and at half distance the order was, I, Vitale (Bugatti) ; 2, Lehoux (Bugatti) ; 3, Etancelin (Alla-Romeo) ; 4. Benoit (Bugatti) ; 5, de Maleplane (Maserati) ; 6, Veyron (Maserati) ; 7, Gaupillat (Bugatti). Wimille was 52 seconds in front of Lehoux, but soon after he stopped at his pit to refuel and change wheels. ‘,chain: passed as he was in the pits, but on the following lap he himself had to stop for the same purpose, so the positions remained unchanged. Then, an the 31st out of 47 laps, Wimille had the ill fortune to experience engine trouble, and pushed his car to the pits after a magnificent run. That left

Lehoux two minutes in front of his old rival Etancelin, who in turn led Czaikowski, and that order was maintained, until. the finish. Veyron won the 1,500 class. Results :—

1. Lehoux. (Bugatti), 47 laps, 259 miles, 311. 19m. 29s. Average, 77.83 m.p.h.

2. Etancelin (Alfa-Romeo), 3h. 23m. 1/Ss.

3. Czaikowski (Bugatti), 3h. 22,1n. 27 3 ‘5s.

The Klausen Hill-Climb.

This year the title of the Klausen

Climb has been changed to the Mountain Grand Prix of Switzerland. For the first time motor-cycles, cornbinations, and ordinary push bikes are included in the programme, which will be run off on August 6th and 7th. Prize money amounting to 50,000 Swiss francs has been provided, and in view of the fact that the hill -climb counts as the Swiss contribution to the Mountain Championship of Europe, it is possible that some English competitors may be induced to try their hand. Copies of the regulations can be obtained from Le Secretariat dm Course, Waisenhausstrasse 2, Zurich, Switzerland.

The Death of a Fine Driver.

it is with great regret that we have to record the death of the well known German driver, Von Morgen, on May 28th. In company with Branchitsch, Von Stuck and Caracciola, he was practicing on the NurburgRing for the Eifel Race, when on a straight stretch of the course, with no other car in sight, his Bugatti overturned. No definite reason can be given for the accident, but it is probable that, as in the case of poor Leeson at Brooklands, Von Morgen fainted at the wheel. All those present, at the A.vus meeting. last year will remember his gallant struggle with Caracciola, and by his untimely death Germany has lost one of her finest drivers.

The Eifel Race.

MOTOR-RACING is becoming tremendously popular in Germany. Following up the complete success of the Avus meeting, the Eifel Race on

the Nurburg Ring on May 31st attracted a record crowd, the stands being full, and the course lined with spectators. The race was not as thrilling as it might have been, and resolved itself into a duel between the idol of the crowd, Rudolf Caracciola, on his 2.3 litre Alfa-Romeo, and Rene Dreyfus, making his first ap pearance since leaving the firm of Maser ati, at the wheel of his new 2.3 double camshaft Bugatti. The three Mercedes, driven by Stuck, Broschek and Bran chitsch, winner at Avus, were not suited to the tricky nature of the course, and

fell steadily behind their lighter and therefore more easily handled rivals. Chiron had ignition trouble with his Bugatti, and was never in the picture. Caracciola kept ahead of Dreyfus right ‘through the race, lowering the lap record to 11 mins. 42.8 secs. in doing so, and

finished 22 seconds ahead of the Bugatti.

In the 1,500 c.c. class Tauber recorded another victory for Alfa-Romeo, who finished ahead of Hartmann and Seibel, who were both driving Bugattis.


043i 1,500 c.c. LENGTH OF COURSE 318 Km.

1. Caracciola (Alfa-Romeo), 211. 48m. 22s. 2. Dreyfus (Bugatti), 2h. 48m. 44s,

3. Brauchitsch (Mercedes).

4. Stuck (Mercedes).

5. Chiron (Bugatti). FROM 800 C.C. To 1,500 c.c.

1. Tauber (Alfa-Romeo), 3h. 7m. 24s.

2. Hartmann (Bugatti).

3. Seibel (Bugatti). UNDER 800 c.c.

1. Macher (D.K.W.), 228 kms. in 2h. 40m. 29s.

2. Simons (D.K.W.).

3. Stoll (D.K.W.).

Death of Andre Boillet. The motor racing world suffered another severe blow last month when Andre Boillot met his death at La Chatre. He

was on his way to the Ars Hill Climb at the time, driving one of the Bugatti-engined. Peugeots, when his car skidded off the road, crashed into a tree and turned upside down. The tree fell on top of the car, which burst into flames. Poor Boillot was extricated from the car, but on being taken to hospital at Chateauroux, he was found to be suffering from a fracture at the base of the skill, with other severe injuries.

The accident occurred on Sunday, June 5th, but after the doctors had done everything in their power to save his life, including the difficult Operation of trepanning, Andre Boillot passed away on the following Thursday.

His career had been a distinguished one. Son of the chief accountant of the Peugeot Company, it was natural that it was on cars of this make that he should have raced almost exclusively throughout his career. After active service in the War in the French Air Force, in which he was decorated with the Croix de Guerre and the M.M. he joined the Peugeot firm in 1919 under Jules Goux. His first achievement was to recondition one of the 1913 racers, with which he won the first PostWar Targa Florio. Two years later he went to America and competed at Indianapolis, this time driving a Talbot-Darracq. Then Goux retired, and Boillot took his place as racing manager of Peugeots. From then on he had a run of successes. In 1922 he won the Coppa Florio, and the French Grand Prix de Tourisme, at Tours. He repeated the latter victory in 1924, and in 1925 he won the Coppa Florio outright for Peugeot. In the same year he won the Grand Prix de Tourisme at Montlhery. Then, in 1926, he had a bad accident at a hill-climb at Malchamps, in Belgium.

He returned to racing in 1927, and in 1929 he took an expedition to Africa. In the following year he was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.

It seems particularly cruel that the Boillot family should once again be bereaved of one of its sons. Two brothers were killed in the Great War, Paul, an infantryman, who died at Massiges, and Georges, so famous before the war, who met his death in an air-fight over Verdun in 1916.

France has lost one of her best and most popular drivers.

The Circuit of Torvilliers.

The results of this race, which was held at Troyes on May 29th, were as follows :

SPORTS 1,100 c.c.-1, Fallon (La Licome), 219 km. 060; 2, Galoisy (La Licome), 175 km. 280.

3 LITREs.-1, Cattando (Bugatti), 264 kimometres 802, R.B. ; 2, Mme Siko (Alfa-Romeo), 239 km. 567.

5 LiTRRS.-1, Sommer (Alfa-Romeo), 266 km. 297, R.B. ; 2, Rey (Bugatti), 244 km. 397.

RACING 1,100 c.c.-1, Dupont (Salm.son), 226 km. 300; 2, Vernet (Sahnson), 220 km. 050; 3, Gilbert (Amilcar), 168 kilometres 762.

1,500 c.c.-1, Girod (P.G.), 233 k. 432.

3 LITRES.-1, Govillon (Bugatti), 224 kilometres 547; 2, Bernasconi (Bugatti), 220 km. 775.

5 LITRES.-1, Gauthier (Bugatti), 267 kilometres 942, greatest mileage of all categories.

The Dieppe Grand Prix. Anyone to see a real Continen

Anyone to see a Continental road race with the minimum of expense should go over to Dieppe on July 24th, when a very excellent motor-race will be held by the Automobile Club de l’Ouest, under the patronage of the Parisian newspaper ” Le Matin.”

Actually the meeting lasts three days, for on the Friday competitors in the Rally will arrive, on Saturday the regularity, slow-running, acceleration and braking tests of the Rally cars will be carried out, together with a Concours d’Elegance, while on Sunday there will be a Grand Prix race for motor-cyclists in the morning, starting at 8.30 a.m., followed by the motor-car Grand Prix at 1.30 p.m.

There will be two classes, for cars up to 2,000 litres, and for cars over that capacity, the entry fee in both cases being 500 francs.

Last year, it will be remembered, Earl Howe was the only Englishman to compete, finishing first in his class, and second in the general classification. Earl Howe will compete again this year, and it is hoped that in view of the nearness of the circuit, other English drivers may be encouraged to take part.