


THE second of the week’s three races used to be considered rather tame after the speed of the Junior, but this year both the speed and the change of leadership which took place, made it quite the equal of the other two. Only 25 machines were entered and of these three were non-starters, the most important being Mellors, who had seized his machine the night before, and had no hope of getting it re-assembled for the weighing in. With this important rider eliminated, the Rudge team, Handley, Nott and Graham Walker, seemed likely to have matters all their own way.

Weather conditions at the beginning did not look too favourable, but they soon improved to bright sunshine. The machines all started easily, Handley getting off particularly well. He was reported as going strongly from all round the course, Nott and Handley supporting him closely. Crabtree was obviously going well as he passed the stand a little before Handley’s arrival and Emery (Cotton) picked up several places on the mountain section. • Lap 1 :

1. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 30m. 50s., 73.43 m.p.h.

2. G. E. Nott (Rudge), 31m. 43s., 71.39 m.p.h.

3. G. L. Emery (Cotton), 32m. 18s., 70.10 m.p.h.

4. S. A. Crabtree (Excelsior), 32m. 19s., 70.06 m.p.h.

5. L. H. Davenport (New Imperial), 32m. 30s., 69.67 m.p.h.

6. G. W. Walker (Rudge), 32m. 58s., 68.66 m.p.h.

During the second lap the leader board showed a considerable change. Handley was still going but had slowed considerably, and Nett moved up into first position. Emery (Cotton) dropped back a long way, and Crabtree took his place. Graham Walker, as usual, was going steadily, and picked up a place. Lap 2 :

1. G. E. Nott (Rudge), lh. 3m. 27s., 71.54 m.p.h.

2. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 111. 3m. 44s., 71.05 m.p.h.

3. S. A. Crabtree (Excelsior), 111. 4m. 4s., 70.69 m.p.h.

4. L. H. Davenport (New Imp.), lh. 4m. 26s., 70.28 m.p.h.

5. G. W. Walker (Rudge), lh. 5m. 4s., 69.60 m.p.h.

6. G. L. Emery (Cotton), lh. 5m. 1 Is 69.37 m.p.h.

Handley, it appeared, had been suffering from plug trouble, but on curing this he put up a record lap of 31m. 8s., an average speed of 72.73 m.p.h., which put him in the lead again. Crabtree’s pointer stuck at Ballacraine and we learnt later on that he was out of the race with engine trouble. Rudges therefore held the first three places, with Davenport (New Imperial) next on the list. The furious pace was beginning to tell on the small machines Hinning (Excelsior) and Kitchen (Rudge) retiring with seized engines, while gear-box trouble was also prevalent. Lap 3 :

1. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 1h. 34m. 52s., 71.6 m.p.h.

2. G. B. Nott (Rudge), lh. 36m. 4s., 70.71 m.p.h.

3. 0. W. Walker (Rudge), lh. 36m. 52s., 70.13 m.p.h.

4. L. H. Davenport (New Imperial), lh. 37m. 6s., 69.95 m.p.h.

5. C. S. Barrow (O.K. Supreme), 111. 37m. 57s., 69.39 m-ph.

6. T. Spann (New Imperial), lh. 38m 29s., 68.99 m.p.h.

to try to break up the Nortons. He is first round at Governor’s, followed by Dodson whose exhaust note does not sound so crisp. Nott has gained a few seconds, and Tyrell-Smith, No. 8, is fourth round. Rudges are going well, The i•Norton cracks are later starters, but NO. 15, Simpson, has obviously done a quick lap. J. G. Lind, the South African, is making the 350 Velocette scream round; Guthrie is steady and so is Stanley Woods, but where is P. Hunt, who is strongly fancied for a win on his Norton ?

News comes through that he has crashed at Braddon, and damaged his machine. The Norton team chances disappears at an early stage, but the leader board soon cheers up their supporters. 1st lap leaders :

1. J. H. Simpson (Norton), 28m. 16s., 79.85. m.p.h. 2. S. Woods (Norton), 28m. 19s., 79.80

3. W. 114. Handley! (Midge), 28m. 24s., 79.57 m.p.h.

4. G. E. Nott (Rudge), 28m. 50s., 78.37 m.p.h.

5. J. Guthrie (Norton), 28m. 52m., 78.28 in,p.h.

6. G. J. Dodson (Excelsior), 29m. 2s,, 77,83 m.p.h.

Prince George has driven out to Crag ny Boa to watch the cornering there. Handley is going strong with an open road in front of him. Nott is-only a few yards behind Dodsem at Signpost. Simpson is -travelling at a breath-taking speed and sets up a new lap record with a time of 28m. 47s., a speed of 81.5 m.p.h. Stanley Woods is (-oily 5 seconds behind him. The standard of riding is everywhere very fine, the corners being taken with terrific sweeps. Simeocks at Sign Post nearly

touches the hedges and Lind, who is trying to get a quart out of a pint pot, is also spectacular. The DOuglase sou n d tinny, presumably flywheel ring, but acceler at e better than -most. Nott is supporting Hand

icy and Guthrie, who has apparently got over his toss on Monday, is averaging over 79 m.p.h. Two minutes cover the first six riders. 2nd lap leaders :

1. J. it Simpson (Norton), :56m. 3s., 80.79 m.p.h.

2. S. Woods (Norton), 56m. 8s., 80.68 m.p.h.

3. W. L. Handley (Rudge)., 56m. 37s., 79,98 m.p.h.

4. J. Guthrie (Norton), 57m. 13s., 79.15 m.p.h.

5. G. E. Nott (Norton), 57m. 30s., 78.76 m.p.h.

6. C. J. ‘Dodson (P.;xcelsior), 58m. 18., 78.21 m.p.h. The 500’s are sticking the pace very well, only two retirements so far. Cornering, especi ally at the Crag, is astounding, the riders a 1 in 9 s t to the le ft hand wall b-ef ore swooping in -.a an d roun d. Lind braked violently and w o b bled in a sick ening way, but somehow wre nched Ii imself

straight before hitting the mattresses. The battle of giants continues, and Woods actually overhauls the great jimmy Simpson. The positions of the other leaders is unchanged. 3rd lap leaders :

1. 5, Woods. (Norton), lb. 80.87 mph.

2. J. H. Simpson (Norton) 15s., 80.63 m.p.h. 3.. W. L. Handley. (Midge) 48s., 80.11

4. J. Guthrie (Norton), lh. 79.31 m.p.h.

5. G. E. Neat (Midge), lh. 79,12 m.p.h. 24m. Os., , lh. 24m. , lh. 24m. 25m. 39s., 25m, 52s., 6. C. J. Dodson (Excelsior), lb. 27in. 45s., 77.41 Handley is riding for dear life, but his machine is not fast enough to catch t Ii e flying Nortons. Simpson is following hard on Woods. Now Handley’s pointer stops

er at Ballaeraine. Has his number been missed or was his hectic driving too much for his machine ? Nortons now hold the first three places, and if Guthrie can stand the pace, may well stay there. 4th lap leaders :

1. S. Woods (Norton), lh. 53m. 9s., 80.05 m.p.h.

2. J. H. Simpson (Norton), lb. 54tn. 18s., 79.24 m.p.h.

3. J. Guthrie (Norton), lh. 55m. 4s., 78.71 m.p.h.

4. G. B. Nott (Rudge), lb. 55m. 18s., 78.55 m.p.h.

5. C. J. Dodson (Excelsior), lb. 56m. 45s., 77.58 m.p.h.

6. G. W. Walker (Rudge), lh. 58m. 57s., 76.13 m.p.h. Definite Definite news of Handley is now to hand, He was seen going slowly up Glen Helen, and Caine Off at B arrgarro w, bet Ween Cronk y Toddy and Kirk Michael , and sustained a sprained wrist. Various retirements a r e U 11 11 11

ced, hut the order on the leader board is unchanged. Simpson is having trouble with the clutch fulcrum pin seizing, but improves his lap speed in spite of this. 5th lap leaders :

1. S. Woods (Norton), 2h. 21m. 558., 79.78 m.p.h.

2. J. H. Simpson (Norton), 2h. 22m. 52s., 79.24 m.p.h.

3. J. Guthrie (Norton), 21i. 23m. 38s., 78.82 ni.p,11.

4. G. E Nott (Rudge), 2h. 23m, 51s., 78.71 m.p.h.

5. C. J. Dodson (Excelsior), 2h. 26m. 47s., 77.13 m.p.h. 6. G. w. Walker (Midge), 211.. 28m. 22s.,

76.31 p.h.

Lind is forced to retire from exhaustion after falling off at Governor’s Bridge. No one could drive as furiously as he did for seven laps.

Not long to wait now. Jimmy Simpson’s light fiashes-here he is, and gets a great reception for a fine ride. He started in front of Woods, who is now at the Crag, with seven minutes in hand. Three minutes later he appears to gain his second well deserved victory this week, at a speed which breaks all records. Finishers :

W oods (Norton), 3h. 19m. 40s., 79.38 m.p.h.

Guthrie (Norton), 3h. 21m. 59s., 78.47 m.p.h.

Simpson (Norton), 3h. 22m. 13s., 78.38 m.p.h.

Nott (Rudge), 3h. 22m. 19s. Dodson (Excelsior), 311. 25m. 9s, Walker (Rudge), 3h. 27m. 35s. J. G. Duncan (Cotton), 3h. 29m. 8s. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), 3h. 29m.


E. A. Simcock (Sunbeam), 3h. 38m. 56s. G. Emery (Sunbeam), 311, 39m. 2s. The above qualified for replicas.

F. Franconi (Velocette), 3h. 40m. 37s. J. H. Pringle (Norton), 3h. 41m. 44s. V. N. Brittain (Sunbeam), 3h. 42m. 47s. F. Brand (Jaws), 31i. 47m. 12s.

F. A. Longman (Douglas), 3h. 49m. 45s. P. J. Walls (Rudge), 311. 51m. 35s. D. Brewster (Excelsior), 3h. 53m. 7s

B. R. Merrill (Excelsior), 31i. 53m. 58s.

With Rudges in the first three places, the race lost much of its interest, the only change in the next lap being Davenport’s rise to third place and a further Rudge on the leader board. Lap 4 :

1. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 2h. 6m. 52s., 71.39 m.p.h.

2. G. E. Nott (Rudge), 2h. 7m. 52s., 70.84 m.p.h.

3. L. H. Davenport (New Imp.), 2h. 8m. 44s., 70.35 m.p.h.

4. G. W. Walker (Rudge), 2h. 9m. 41s., 69.84 m.p.h.

5. J. Williams (Rudge), 2h. 11m. 21s., 68.96 m.p.h.

6. T. Spann (New Imp.), 2h. 12m. 16s., 68.48 m.p.h.

These times show that Handley’s pace is easing slightly, but the 4th lap is no place for that. Has he taken a little too much out of his willing 250? Nobody knows, but as the pointers click round, it is obvious that he is dropping behind. Nott is slower too, and-good heavensDavenport has actually increased his speed ! The invincible Rudge leadership is broken. Tommy Spann, well known on Sunbeams in his “hornet” ” sweater, is also in the picture on a New Imperial which S. Gleave had been unable to ride. Lap 5 :

I. L. H. Davenport (New Imp.), 2h. 40m. 28s., 70.55 m.p.h.

2. G. E. Nott (Rudge), 2h. 40m. 46s., 70.42 m.p.h.

3. G. W, Walker (Rudge), 2h. 41m. 31s., 69.69 m.p.h.

4. J. Williams (Rudge), 2h. 44m. Os., 69.04 m.p.h.

5. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 2h. 45m. 9s., 68.55 m.p.h.

6. T. Spann (New Imp.), 2h. 45m, 22s., 68.46 m.p.h.

The race is not over yet. Nott is only 18 seconds behind Davenport and with three other Rudges to support him, he can afford to go out for blood. Handley, five minutes behind has no hope now, but is going again full bore. Nott makes every effort and puts Rudges in front again, while Handley achieves the astonishing time for a 250 c.c. machine of 30-34, a whole minute better than last year’s record. Lap 6 :

1. G. E. Nott (Rudge), 3h. 12m. 47s.

2. L. H. Davenport (New Imp.), 3h. 13m. 9s.

3. G. W. Walker (Rudge), 3h. 14m. 10s.

4. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 3h. 15m. 43s.

5. T. Spann (New Imp.), 3h. 19m. 32s. 6. C. Tattersall (C.T.S.), 3h. 26m. 13s, Twenty-two seconds is not a big margin, but if Nott can keep going now, he’s got it. Davenport, who started 3 minutes

ahead of Nott, is going strongly, and reports from Ramsey say that he passed there in great style. Nott’s pointer is stationary at Kirkmichael ; with so few runners they cannot have missed him if he passed Ramsey. Davenport passes the Crag, Hillberry, his light flashes and he roars home, and in a few minutes is announced the winner. News then comes in of Nott’s retirement at Sulby with engine trouble. Bad luck after a magnificent race ! Handley was apparently delayed by plug trouble but finishes third behind the veteran Graham Walker. Finishers :

Davenport (New Imp.), 3h. 44m. 53s., 70.48 m.p.h.

Graham Walker (Rudge), 3h. 46m. 13s., 70.07 m.p.h.

Handley (Rudge), 3h. 46m. 53s., 69.86 m.p.h.

T. Spann (New Imp.), 3h. 52m. 55s., 68.05 m.p.h.

Tattersall (C.T.S.), 4h. lm. 36s., 65.61 m.p.h.

J. Fairweather (Cotton), 4h. 6m. 10s., 64.39 m.p.h. (All the above received replicas.)

J. G. Lind (O.K. Supreme), 4h. 13m. 43s., 62.47 m.p.h.

H. Warburton (Excelsior), 4h. 26m. 42s; 59.43 m.p.h.