



FOR the first time in the last few years the practising period has been marked by good weather, and the many fast laps which had been put up, noticeably one by Simpson (Norton), at a speed of over 78 m.p.h., promised a terrific battle in the Junior Race. Unless something unexpected happened the winner would either be Norton or Rudge, Hunt being particularly fancied, but Handley on a Rudge seemed equally probable.

At 9.5 on the Monday morning, two M.G.’s driven by Norman Black and S. A. Crabtree, left the start to close the the roads, and shortly before 10, the riders, headed by the Austrian, 0. Steinfellner (Rudge), wheeled their machines on to the starting grid. The day was fine and sunny, visibility perfect, with a Slight win:1 on the mountain. _All set for a fast race ! Exactly at 10″ Ebby’s ” hand dropped, the maroon banged, and Steinfellner started off, followed by the other riders at half minute intervals. Mellors (New Imperial) is No. 2, then Hunt, the next star rider, No. 9, Handley, who gets a good send-off. Nott, Stanley Woods, Dodson, Simpson and Tyre11 Smith have almost consecutive numbers, so we shall see something when they get going. Soon Hunt’s indicator shows that he is on the mountain, having picked up two good places en route, and now has a clear road. Nott (Rudge l has overtaken Williams (Velocette), Woods has passed Willis (supercharged Velocette) and Simpson has passed Dodson. At 10.30 Hunt’s light shows that he is at Governor’s Bridge, and has evidently put up a fast

lap, and Handley who has now pulled up four places, is not far behind. The other stars have also improved their positions.

The first lap is chiefly remarkable for the fact that all 32 starters completed the round without trouble. Hunt has beaten the lap record from a standing start, Woods cuts off 23 seconds, while Simpson for once is content with 4th fastest. This year, incidently, the leaderboard gives the time the place-men lag behind the leader, which makesthe race easier to follow. Lap leaders. Lap 1 :

1. S. Woods (Norton), 29m, 4s,, 77.90 m.p.h.

2. P. Hunt (Norton)., 29m. 27s., 76.89 m.p.h.

3. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 29m. 34s. 76.58 m.p.h.

4. J. H. Simpson (Norton), 29in. 38s. 76.41 m.p.h.

5. J. Guthrie (Norton), 29m. 55s., 75.68 m.p.h.

6 G. E. Nott (Rudge), 30m. 8s,, 75.14 m.p.h. On the second lap things began to happen. Hunt’s indicator sticks at Kirkmichael and he is later announced to have retired with a broken rocker. Handley is going strong and is just behind Meagem who started 5 places in front. His second lap is a record, for the junior race, the speed being 77.37 m.p.h., which looks as though the Rudges kept something back in practise. This record does not stand for long, however, as Stanley Woods betters his time by 21 seconds. Jimmy Simpson is supporting his leader with a time only 13 seconds worse. The pace is amazingly hot, the first 12 riders having averaged over 73 m.p.h. Lap 2 :

1. S. Woods (Norton), 57m. 595., 78.09 m. p. h.

2. J. H. Simpson (Norton), 58m. 41s., 77.17 m.p.h.

3. W. 14. Handley (Rudge), 58m. 50s., 76.97 m.p.h.

4. j. Guthrie (Norton), 59m. 28s., 76.15 m.p.h.

5. G. E. Nott (Rudge), 59m. 53s., 75.62 m.p.h.

6. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), lh. 3m. 31s., 74.84 m.p.h.

In view of the furious speed, men and machines are holding up well. Handley is in at 11.31 and does a lightning fill up, getting away 3 minutes before Woods and Simpson are round, 29.1 was his time, but he can’t hope to prevail against Woods, who further lowers the record to 28-48 or 78.62. Woods thunders past the stand without a stop, the ::ortons being able to do the race on one fill-up. Simpson is running steadily behind the leader ; for once he is outpaced. Wellow (New Imp.) is reported retired with engine trouble, while Pranconi (Velocette) has lunch at Glen Helev after coming off in the Glen. Lap 3 :

1. S. Woods (Norton), lh. 26m. 47s., 78.27 m.p.h.

2. J. H. Simpson (Norton), 1 h. 27m. 40s., 77.49 m.p.h.

3. W. L. Handley (Rudge), lh. 27m. 51s., 77.32 m.p.h.

4. J. Guthrie (Norton)., 1h. 28m. 47s., 76.51 th.p.h.

5. G. E. Nott (Rudge), lh. 29m. 36s., 75.81 m.p.h.

6. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), lh. 30m. 45s., 74.86 m.p.h.

The fourth lap brings varied fortunes for the leaders. Handley is more dangerous than ever but makes no mistakes. Stanley Woods makes his one refilling stop and is away as strongly as ever, but misfortune overtakes Simpson, for he overshoots at Governor’s Bridge, damages his machine, and retires. Guthrie, the other Norton rider on the leader board, fell and hurt himself at Crag ny Baa, but continues, only to retire at the Start. Rudges occupy four out of the first six places while Stanley Wood is the only Norton hope. He has a substantial lead, however, and continues his meteoric career with undiminished speed.

1. S. Woods (Norton), lh. 55m. 43s., 78.27 m.p.h.

2. W. L. Handley (Rudge), lh. 57m. 53s., 76.83 m.p.h.

3. j. Guthrie (Norton), lh. 59m. 52s., 75.56 m.p.h.

4. G. B. Nott (Rudge), 211. Om. 30s., 75.16 m.p.h.

5. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), 2h. lm. 31s., 74.53 m.p.h.

6. C. J. Dodson (Excelsior), 2h. 3m. is., 73.63 m.p.h. Handley is first round and stops for his second fill-up. He has pulled up a few seconds on the leader, but his first stop deprives him of any advantage. Woods passes at his usual terrific pace, and Nott conies in to re-fuel. It is obviously impossible to catch the flying leader, so he is given order to ease off. Dodson has got his lead back and has only to keep going steadily to be sure of a comfortable win. Lap 5

S. Woods (Norton), 2h. 25m. 55s., 77.59 Ill p.h.

2. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 2h. 27m. 21s., 76.84 m.p.h.

3. A. E. Nott (Rudge), 2h. 30m. 43s., 75.12 m.p.h.

4. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), 2h. 31m. 44s., 74.61 m.p.h.

5. C. J. Dodson (Excelsior), 2h. 34m. 39s., 73.20 m.p.h.

6. G. Walker (Rudge), 2h. 35m. us., 72.97 m.p.h.

The struggle continues. Neither Handley nor Woods show signs of flagging, but Ernie Nott is out. His engine has given trouble on the mountain, and lets a newcomer, L. J. Archer on to the leader board. Sarkis, who has lost his exhaust pipe comes in but is off again before he can be stopped. With nearly half the starters out there are long waits between machines. Lap 6 :

1. S. Woods (Norton), 2h. 52m. 22s. 77.48 m.p.h.

2. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 211. 57m. 51s., 76.39 m.p.h.

3. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), 3h. 10m. 18s., 74.13 m.p.h.

4. C. J. Dodson (Excelsior), 3h. 5m. 20s., 73.39 m.p.h.

5. G. W. Walker (Rudge), 311. 6m. 24s., 72.89 m.p.h.

6. L. J. Archer (Velocette), 3h. 8m. 27s., 72.09 m.p.h.

Nothing but a miracle can change the final order now. Handley comes in still first in order but Woods is at Crag ny Baa with seven minutes in which to get home. He comes in without a falter, well satisfied with a speed 3 m.p.h. better than the winning pace last year. Tyrell Smith gets a well deserved 3rd, while Charlie Dodson is next after a steady ride on a machine considerably slower than his rivals. Finishers :

1. Stanley Woods (Norton), 3h. 25m. 55s., 77.16 m.p.h.

2. W. L. Handley (Rudge), 3h. 27m. 35s., 76.36 m.p.h.

3. H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge), 3h. 34m. 8s., 74.02 m.p.h.

4. C. 3. P. Dodson (Excelsior), 311. 36m. 14s., 73.30 m.p.h.

5. G. W. Walker (Rudge), 311. 36m. 548,, 73.08 m.p.h.

6. L. J. Archer (Velocette), 3h. 40m. Os., 72.05 m.p.h.

7. L. H. Davenport (New Imperial), 3h. 40m. 20s., 71.94 m.p.h.

A. Bennett (Velocette), 3h. 40m. 20s., 71.94 m.p.h.

9. S. Gleave (New Imperial), 3h. 45m. 14s., 70.37 m.p.h.

10. C. J. Williams (Velocette), 3h. 49m. 23s., 69.10 m.p.h.

J. Sarkis (0.K.-Supreme), 3h. 51m. Is. E. G. Self (Velocette), 3h. 52m. Os. D. Brewster (Velocette), 3h. 59m. 38s. 0. Steinfellner (Rudge), 311.. 59m. 39s. C. S. Barrow (0.K.-Supreme), 411. lin. 2s. First ten replicas. Sarkis disqualified.