Club news, July 1932




THE Vesey Trial held by the Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham Club on Saturday, June 4th, proved a great success and there were 53 entries.

The start was from Whittington Inn, near Stourbridge and a mile from the start commenced the first special test, where F. S. Barnes (M.G. Magna) made the best performance clocking 15 secs. dead for gearchanging and placing the car.

The’ Sahara’ was in a quagmire owing to the recent heavy rains, and from. here the course led to High Oak Hill and Netherton Hill where took place the restarting test. The results are as follows :—

Vesey Cup for best performance : A. Langley (M.G. Magna). Watson Gwynne Bowl for best under 1,100 c.c. : R. C. Player (Riley). Carless Cup for best over 1,100 c.c. : F. S. Barnes (M.G. Magna). Ryland Visitors’ Award : J. R. Temple (M.G. Midget). Mere Novices’ Award : P. S. P. O’llagan (M.G. Magna). Firstclass Awards: J. H. •Summerfield (M.G.), W. E. Holland (Lea-Francis) and R. Hughes (H.V.S.). Second-class: R.

Baker (M.G. Magna), E. R. Oliver (Clyno), J. A. Bastock (M.G. Midget), I. S. Alacdonald (Riley), P. Lees (Frazer-Nash), M. A. INIcEvoy (Morris), J. G. Orford (Austin), J. H. B. Twigg (Morris), R. Bickford (Lancia), R. J. Richardson (Austin), H. E. Bradnack (Hornet), A. E. Carr (M.G. Midget),K. B. Davis (Triumph). Team Prize : M.G. Car Club (J. R. Temple, F. S. Barnes and A. Langley).


R. N’t7LE, the able Hon. Secretary of the Light Car Club, has found

the ever-increasing work of this flourishing Club too much for him, and has had to appoint an Assistant Secretary. As a mark of gratitude of the valuable work done by Mr. Yule since the Club’s formation, the members are making him a presentation.

THE BUGATTI OWNERS’ CLUB. ” ” will be held at

A ” rag-gymkhana ” will be held at the Barnet Speedway on Sunday, July 7th. Among other amusing events, there will be a tug of war, touring race, and chariot race, so that anyone who wants a good laugh should turn up on the 7th. ;Ole event starts at 2.30 p.m.

BERKHAMSTED & DISTRICT M.C.C. Permission has been obtained to run

Permission has been obtained to run speed trials on a nobleman’s estate near Watford on July 9th. Only cars will be allowed to compete, and the event will be confined to members of the Club. Anyone who wishes to enter should get in touch with the Hon. Secs., Messrs. A. Paul and W. Kentish, whose address is “Malden Cot,” Hampstead Road, Watford. The proceedings will start at 3 o’clock.

Mr. Savournin has had to resign from his position as Joint Hon. Secretary, owing to family illness, and his place has been taken by Mr. Kentish.

Other events to be run during July are the Chairman’s Garden Party on the 16th, and the Berkhamsted-Gloucester Trial on the 24th.

The Editor invites Club Secretaries to send details of their fixtures, sporting and social, for publication in these columns. These items should be sent to reach this office not later than the 16th of the month.