

TAKING advantage of the experience gained during last season with the

Montlhery Midget, the M.G. Car Company have introduced a new car, incorporating several new features, to be known as the M.G. Midget Mark HI Montlhery model.

The engine capacity is, of course, the same as in the past, 746 c.c., but more power is obtained by the use of an improved type of cylinder head. There are now four separate exhaust ports, which are situated on the near side of the engine, the inlet ports being on the off side, Another innovation is the use of smaller sparking plugs, of 14 mm. diameter instead of the usual 18 mm. Two carburetters are fitted to the unsupercharged car (price .C490) while the ” blown ” model (X575) has a single carburetter bolted on to the casing of the Powerplus Supercharger.

The gear-box gives four forward speeds, first gear being on the low side, for very steep hills, while second, third (which is silent) and top are close ratios for competition work.

Altogether, the new car is an even more attractive little vehicle than its famous predecessor, and to anyone who has handled the latter car, that’s saying a good deal !