

The Guy’s Gala.

OUR hospitals, not having the benefit of their Irish counterparts in being able to obtain funds by means of sweepstakes, are forced to turn to other methods of securing financial aid, and for the first time in history have chosen a motor racing meeting as a suitable means to this end.

Organised by the juniOr Car Club, the Guy’s Gala and motor Race Day to be held at Brooklands on July 2nd, in aid of Guy’s Hospital, should be a great success. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York have graciously promised to attend, and will present the prizes at the end of the day. The programme is timed to start at 11 a.m., with the Guy’s Junior Handicap,

a one-lap race open to cars other than racing cars driven by Guy’s students, followed by the W.A.S.A. Handicap, a one-lap race for similar cats driven by ladies. The morning’s racing concludes with the Guy’s Senior Handicap, a twolap race on the same lines as the first race.

In the afternoon, racing cars will take the track at 2.30 for the Gala Short Handicap, an ordinary BroOklands ” Short,” followed by the Hazard Handicap, a driving skill event for touring cars. Then comes the Gala Long Handicap, the Duchess of York’s Trophy race, which will be a ” Short ” open to racing ears driven by ladies, and the Duke of York’s Trophy Race, a 20 mile event open to cars which have lapped Brooklands at 100.: M.p.h.

or more. Then there will be a special exhibition, the nature of which has not yet been definitely fixed, and the racing programme will conclude with the piecede-resi:5tance, the Guy’s Gala Mountain Handicap, over 15 laps of the Mountain circuit.

The Meeting will be brought to a close by the Parade of ears competing in the Concours d’Elegance, after which, as we have already stated, the prizes will be distributed by their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess Of York. Most of the well-known Broc-Jklands drivers will be competing, and everything points to a thoroughly good day’s sport on July