


THE annual Brooklands Inter Club Meeting is one of those jolly events which are run, not so much as a spec-. tacle for the public, but as a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon’s sport for owners of fast touring cars at the track. In spite of a perfect sunny afternoon there was only a very small crowd of spectators, but this didn’t really matter, and everyone had a good time. For the first event, the Racing Short, Mrs. Tolhurst was a firm favourite driving E. K. Rayson’s 1,000 Mile Race She did not

Race not have things all her own way, however, for the scratch man, Gardiner, brought his big 5-litre Delage along in fine style, and looked like pulling it off. He could not quite manage it, beating Dickson-Geertz’s Salmson (Alec Baker’s one-time property) by 200 yards. In this race the new supercharged o.h.v.. Frazer Nash made its first public appearance at the track. The car was distinctly impressive, but Aldington had the bad luck to oil up a plug, after getting up to 105 m.p.h. We shall hear more of this car ! Sixteen cars turned out for the second race, the Sports Short, with R. Evans on. an. old 12/50 Lea Francis as limit man. He held his lead for the first lap, but then was submerged by a flood of cars, and it was seen that Baker’s Minerva had taken the lead. But not for long, for something happened to the internal mechanism of the big car, and C. T. Osbome’s ” Hyper” Lea Francis ran home a winner. There was a great scrap for second place between ” Aldy,” this time on an ordinary Nash and Capt. Aldous on a ” 90″

Talbot. Aldington had given the larger car 10 seconds start, and just failed to wipe this off by 1/5th second.

The third race, the Racing Long, produced 10 starters. l‘letcalfe’s Horstman, completely transformed by a very neat and beautifully streamlined body made by Abbott’s, of Farnham, was difficult to start in the finishing straight, and caused a temporary bustle of confusion by catching fire. He managed to get the car to the line, but did not start. The limit man, Derrington, on his ” blown ” Hornet Special, held the lead for two laps, only to lose it to Rayson’s Riley, who was being overhauled by Stonard. Meanwhile the Delage was -going great guns, but after a fine run could not catch the little grey Riley which got home at the fine average speed of 90f m.p.h. Rayson was third. So large was the entry list for this meeting that a special ” Reserve” race was held. Kelway’s lurid Marendaz Special was favourite, but like many others, he retired after the first lap. After a good tussle, victory went to Roberts’ Talbot

“90,” with Cookson’s Aston Martin second. The Novices Handicap, although lacking in very high speeds, was extraordinarily interesting for the number of ” scraps ” between perfectly standard sports cars. For example, Mrs. Petre’s Hornet Special and Moncrieff’s Magna, after starting level, lapped wheel to wheel, with nothing to choose between them, although Mrs. Petre actually won the duel by virtue of a superior getaway. Miss Allen was a hot favourite, on a ” blown ” Lagonda, and she looked an easy winner

an until engine trouble developed and she had to retire. This gave Osborne his chance, and he came through the field to win from the 4sec. mark, thus recording his second win of the day. Capt. Aldous was second on the Talbot “90,” and third place was taken by the very smart E. W. Daytona Hornet Special driven by Mrs. Petre. In the Sports Long, K. D. Evans Montlhery Midget should have been on scratch, but had been put out of action in an earlier race through damage to the engine caused by continuing to run with a blown gasket. As it was, his namesake R. Evans, the limit man, led for two laps, during which time an expensive transmission noise gradually increased in unpleasantness until the Lea-Francis was forced to stop in the Railway Straight with a broken torque arm. Meanwhile great things were happening in the rear, Simpson’s red Riley going particularly well, while Aldington was actually lapping at 88 m.p.h. on the unblown Frazer Nash. Another praiseworthy effort was that of Taylor’s 4-seater Riley. A good many cars would have been a great deal more comfortable with tightened shock absorbers. Miss Hedges eventually won a good race in the

Talbot “90,” beating Taylor’s speedy Riley by 300 yards, who in turn was 15 yards in front of Miss Schwedler’s Alvis. The Five-lap Handicap, and as it proved, the last race of the day, produced 16 starters, varying from Goodson’s Austin Seven on the limit mark to the big red Delage on scratch mark. Yallop’s Aston Martin followed Goodson’s Austin for four laps, while the rest of the competitors gradually joined the fray. Niven’s M.G. Six was missing as it left the line, and continued on a reduced number of cylinders for the rest of the race. the De race. De

lage was left alone on the starting line, and waited there for what seemed an interminable time before ” Ebby ” dropped his flag. The great car hurtled round at high speed, lapping at about 115 m.p.h., and gave an added touch of interest to the race, but he could not prevail against the unexpected turn of speed of Munday’s Speed Model Rover, which came home a winner


Distance : About 6i Miles.

I. Mrs. S. Tolhurst, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 1 min, 2. N. W. Gardiner, 5,107 c.c. Delage, scr.

3, C. S. Dixon-Geertz, 1,090 c.c. Salmsgn, S., 46 secs.

Ten ran. Winner’s average speed, $1.13 m.p.h. Distance between first and second, 3 2/5 secs. (150 yards ); 4 4/5 secs. (200 yards) between second and third.


Distance : About 6i Miles.

1. C. T. Osborne, 1,496 c.c. Lea-Francis, S., 32 secs.

2. Capt. H. F. T. Aldous, 2,276 c.c. Talbot, 24 secs.

3. H. J. Aldington, 1,496 c.c. Erazer-Nash, 14 Sees.

Sixteen ran. Winner’s average speed, 83.43 m.p.h. Distance between first and second, 10 4/5 secs. (500 yards) ; 1/5 sec. (10 yards) between second and third.

THE RActwo LONG HANDICAP. Distance : About 9 Miles.

1. H. W. Stonard, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 1 min. 15 secs.

at the exceedingly good average speed of 92.57 m.p.h. The Inter-Club Team Relay, which should have followed, had to be abandoned owing to many of the

competing cars having passed out during the afternoon’s sport. The Meeting concluded with a HillClimb for touring cars, which was won by J. Bennet’s Hudson Pacemaker, which recorded the excellent time of 11 2/5s. Lt. P. RichardsBrown, on a Chrysler coupe, was second. During the afternoon points were recorded to decide the winner of


2. N. W. Gardiner, 5,107 c.c. Deluge, see.

3. E. E. T:ayson, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 1 min. 9 secs. Nine ran. Winner’s average speed, 90.24 m.p.h.

Distance between first and second, 7 4/5 secs. (400 yards) ; 7 4/5 secs, (350 yards) between second and third.


Distance : About 6i Miles.

1. W. M.Lloyd Roberts, 2,276 c.c. Talbot, 26 secs.

2. R. A. Cookson, 1,482 c.c. Aston-Martin, 51 secs.

3. G. H. Goodson, 749 c.c. ..kustin, 1 min. 20 secs. Fifteen ran. Winner’s average speed, 86.17 m.p.h.

Distance between first and second, 4 3/5 secs. (200 yards); 5 4/5 secs. (300 yards) between second and third.


Distance : About 61 Miles.

1. C. T. Osborne, 1,496 c.c. Lea-Francis, S., 4 secs.

2. Capt. H. F. T. Aldous, 2,276 c.c. Talbot, secs.

3. Mrs. K. Petre, 1,271 c.c. Wolseley, 46 secs. Fifteen ran. Winner’s average speed, 83.72 m.p.h.

Distance between first and second, 3 secs. (150 yards) ; 9 1/5 secs. (500 yards) between second and third. the Stanley Cup, which was won by the Junior Car Club, represented by H. J. Aldington, A. T. G. Gardiner and E. K. Rayson, with 18 marks. A victory for the ladies was

only narrowly missed by 1 point, for the Women’s Automobile and Sports Association came second with 17 marks. Their team was Miss Hedges, Miss Schwedler, and Miss Allan. Third place was taken by the holders, the Brighton & Hove Club, with 14 points ; the M.C.C. was fourth, and fifth place was shared by the Cambridge University Club and the Light Car Club.


Distance : About 9 Miles.

1. Miss 0. Hedges, 2,276 c.c. Talbot, 35 secs.

2. A. D. Taylor, 1,089 c.c. Riley, I min. IS secs.

3. Miss I. C. Schwedler, 1,645 c.c. Alvis, 1 min. 7 secs.

Thirteen ran. Winner’s average speed, 83.30 m.p.h. Distance between first and second, 7 1/5 secs. (300 yards) ; 1/5 sec. (15 yards) between second and third.

THE FIVE-LAP HANDICAP. Distance : About 14 Miles.

1. R. J. Munday, 2,565 c.c. Rover, 1 min. 54 secs.

2. R. A. Yallop, 1,482 c.c. Aston-Martin, 3 rains. 43 secs.

3. G. H. Goodson, 749 c.c. Austin, 4 rains. 15 secs.

Thirteen ran. Winner’s average speed, 92.57 m.p.h. Distance between first and second, 7 4/5 secs. (350 yards) ; 5 3/5 secs. (250 yards) between second and third.


1. J. Bennett, 8-cyl. Hudson, 11 2/5 secs.

2. Lt. P. Richards-Brown, 6-cyl. Chrysler, 13 3/5 secs.

3. E. L. Linden, 8-cyl. Deluge, 14 1/5 secs.

4. B. G. Evans, 6-cyl. Chrysler, 16 3/5 secs. Four ran. Winner’s average speed, 21.07 m.p.h.