

BETWEEN thirty and forty craft of different types took part in a 260-mile motor boat race which was held in Italy early last month. The starting point was at Pavia, and the course lay between there and Venice.

On the whole, the outboards did very well, and in Class B a Johnson-powered boat was the winner at an average of 33.8 k.p.h. Class C was won by a Lams (Italian) engined boat, and an Elto was the victor in Class D.

There was also a class for hydrogliders, but there were only two entrants. The winner was Count Mazzotti, of racing car fame. His craft was of very striking design and was powered with a 300 h.p. 6-cylinder IsottaFraschini aero engine which drove a “pusher “air-screw.

Great public interest was taken in the race, and at the numerous stopping places along the course, where competitors re-fuelled, huge crowds congregated.