Motor Sport


Readers of” Motor Sport “are cordially invited to attend the fourth annual Lagonda Fete at Brooklands on Saturday, July 19th. The keen racing that characterises these Lagonda meetings will be supplemented by many novel events. Valuable awards will be devoted to the Appearance Contest or Concours d’Elegance, certain classes of which will be open to (my make of car. Music and a running commentary by a well known broadcaster will be relayed to various vantage points of the track, which will be specially decorated for the occasion.

The new 2-litre Supercharged Lagonda “Special ” will be on view for the first time, and track demonstrations will be available of this and the other Lagonda models during the day.

Tickets of admission (including stands and enclosures) and competitors’ entry forms may be obtained on mentioning “Motor Sport ” from Messrs. Lagonda, Ltd.