

IN connection with the fact that the forthcoming Shelsley Walsh Hill-Climb is one of the competitions which count for the International Hill-Climbing Championship of 1930, it is interesting to note the results of the Zbraslav-Jiloviste Hill-Climb in CzechoSlovakia, which took place in May and was the first of the series of events counting for the Championship. Fastest time of the day was made by the Austrian ace, H. von Stuck, on a 5-litre racing Austro-Daimler, who beat his own record set up last year by clocking 2 minutes 45* seconds, an average speed of over 76 m.p.h. A new record in the 3-litre racing class was also set up by Hartmann on a 2,300 c.c. Bugatti, whose time was 2 minutes 55f seconds. The length of the course is about 3f miles, and the full results were as follows :