club news, July 1930


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The Junior Trophy Trial, organised by the N.E. Centre, was held last month, and attracted an entry of 96 members of 11 of the clubs affiliated to the Centre.

The trial was over a route specially selected to give those who had not yet won a premier award in any reliability trial or a gold pedal in an open trial a chance to compete together for the Junior Trophy, whilst those newcomers to the sport who had not won any award were eligible for a special award for the best performance put up by one of this class. The first man started at 9.30 a.m., the remainder following at one-minute intervals ; there were therefore over 30 miles of competitors, the first man having arrived at Stanhope before the last one left Chester-le-Street. The route, of fair severity, was by way of secondary roads via Lanchester, Wolsingham, Frosterley, Stanhope, Westgate, Daddery

Newbiggin, La.ngdon Bec, Ireshopeburn, Garrigal Moor, Nenthead, Kilhope, Cowshill, Newhouse Bank, Rookhope, Bay Bridge, Pennypie, Blanchland, Slaley, Carterway Heads, Castleside, Lanchester, Craghead, Chester-le-Street–117 miles.


A feature is being made of fortnightly social runs, and the fixtures for July are : 6th, Shrewsbury (start 9.30 a.m.) ; 20th, Bolton Abbey (9 a.m.) ; and. 27th, Matlock (9.30 a.m.).


A large number of people witnessed the knock-out hill-climb held early last month. Rain overnight left the hill in sticky condition and unfavourable for this type of event. Russell Williams returned the fastest time of the day, taking 19 4-5 secs. to climb the hill. Among other riders to perform with distinction were S. G. Barned, W. J. Hewstone, H. W. Osborne, H. F. A. Lees, W. Bruce, P. A. Keuchand. W. Steel. Pull results are as follow :— Event 1: 1, S. G. Barned ; 2, E. Ager. Event 2: 1, S. G. Barned ; 2, E. Ager. Event 3 : 1, R. Williams ; 2, H. F. A. Lees. Event 4 : 1, R. Williams; 2, W. Steel. Event 5: 1, W. J. Hewstone ; 2, H. W. Osborne. Event 6 : 1, R.. Williams ; 2, W. J. Hewsthne. Event 7 : 1 It. W. Osborne ; 2, V. J. Hewstone. Event 8:

1, V. J. Hewstone ; 2, H. W. Osborne. Event 9 : 1, P. A. Keneh ; 2, H. F. A. Lees ; 3, W. Bruce.


July 14th and 15th have been fixed as the dates for the Irish End-to-End Trial. Competitors will start from Bantry, leaving at 5 a.m., and the finish will be at Belfast.


Provisional results of the Stennings Cup Trial are :—

Stennings Solo Cup and Ash Tray : W. A. T. Cox (348 Veloeette). Silver Medal : C. W. Johnson (348 Velocette). Bronze Medal : W. Redding (497 Ariel). Stennings Passenger Cup and Ash Tray : L. Presland (499 R.udge s.c.).


Provisional results of the IVrateer Memorial Cup Trial, held on June 1st, are :

Mateer Cup : B. L. Matterson. Visitors’ Cup : A. J. G. Belsey (Sunbeam Club)• Silver Medals : J. C. Wyatt, C. j. Bond, C. V. M. Booth and E. H. Simmons. Bronze Medals : W. G. Davison, G. H. Cluse. G. Money, N. Ansell, 0. T. j. Fox, F. G. Miles and W. Greenhead.