The Way of Thinkings


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The Windermere Disaster.

THE calamitous conclusion to Segrave’s last effort is still fresh in the minds of all of us. And it will remain so for a long time to come. In the moment of triumph, disaster came and the luck of ” H.O.D.,” which had seen him through so many close calls, held no longer.

There are many who decry this “craze for speed.”

But none of Segrave’s exploits—either on land or water —has ever been attempted to satisf y a futile whim, and though it may not be apparent to the lay mind, perhaps, they will be of lasting significance and value. Of Windermere we can but think with sadness and an acute sense of loss, but let us remember, as some consolation, that Sir Henry achieved that which he set out to do— and knew of his triumph before the end.

The T.T.

IN 1914 the Senior Tourist Trophy Race was won at a speed of 49 m.p.h. The rider was Cyril Pullin, his machine a 3 h.p. Rudge. This year the same race was won by the same make of machine, and the speed was —72 m.p.h. Nothing could show more forcibly than these two sets of figures the extent of the progress which has been made in motor-cycle design during these past sixteen years. When Pullin piloted his belt-drive ” Multi ” to victory, it was unusual for a machine to stand up to those gruelling, long spells of open throttle

without trouble of some sort ; and riders were often so exhausted with keeping their mounts going and under control that, at the conclusion of the race, some of them had to be assisted from their machines. It was, as the famous De Rosier said, no “tea party” to ride in the T.T. on the crude models of those days. But if one has admiration for the old-time riders, for their skill and endurance, one can, in no way, have less of that sentiment for the fellows of 1930 who can put up an average well in excess of the maxima of their fore-runners, and the performances in all three races calls for the highest praise. Wonderful men and wonderful machines !