

The prowess of the lady driver is very much to the fore just at the moment, for after the wonderful performance of Madame Junek in the Targa Florio, the Burgundian 4-hours race was won by Madame Janine Jennky, who is also a Bugatti driver. In the four hours she covered 312 miles, averaging 76.5 m.p.h.

In the touring class, the victor was Laly on his veteran 3-litre Aries, which in 1927 won the Florio Cup, the Georges Boillot Cup and the Circuit des Routes Payees. In this race he covered 291 miles, and averaged 72.75 m.p.h., being very nearly as fast as the Bugatti. The race which was run on r7th May, was on a circuit roughly II miles round in the neighbourhood of Dijon. In the racing class, the favourite was Louis Chiron, on a 2.3-litre Bugatti ; in the 2-litre class, there were three cars of the same marque, driven by Madame Jennky, Baboin and Gejean ; in the 1,500 c.c. division, two more Bugattis, one driven by another woman, Madame Scheel, and the other by Foe, had to meet a B.N.C. driven by Monnont Another B.N.C., with

Lobre as it driver, was entered in the 1,100 c.c: class, together with Guy (Lombard), de Rovin Chauson (Marguerite) and Tersen (Robru). A Grazide, driven by Communier, was the only car in the 750 C.C. division.

In the touring class, the most formidable cars were Laly’s 3-litre Aries, Stoffel’s 5-litre Chrysler and two Georges Irats. The start was given by Albert Divo, and almost immediately, Chiron (Bugatti) took the lead, followed by Madame Jennky (Bugatti). In the touring class, Laly (Aries) was soon engaged in a duel with Michel Dore’s Corre la I,icorne. During a stop on Chiron’s part, Madame Jennky took the lead, and the former, having given chase, had to retire on the 22nd lap. In the meantime, Laly (Aries) was never headed and finally finished as winner of the Cup presented by the Matin, while Madame Jennky won the Burgundian Club’s Cup. Final results were as follows :-

I. RACING CARS. 2-LITRE CLASS 1. Mme. Jennky (Bugatti) 2. Baboin (Bugatti). 1,500 C.C. CLASS

1. Mme. Scheel (Bugatti).

2. Foe (Bugatti). 1,100 C.C. CLASS 1.• Lobre (B.N.C.)

2. Chauson (Marguerite).

3. Guy (Lombard).

4. de Rovin (Rovin).


1. Laly (3-litre Aries).

2. Stoffel (5-litre Chrysler).

3. Bugat (1,100 c.c. Derby).

4. Burie (2-litre Georges Irat).

5. Chabreirar (1,500 c.c. Gobron).

6. Namin (1,500 c.c. Bugatti).

7. Gabriel (1,100 c.c. Aries). S. Cadet (1,500 c.c. Bugatti).

9. Colas (1,100 c.c. D.F.P.).

10. Treunet (1,100 c.c. B.N.C.).

11. Thelurson (750 c.c. Senichal).

The Circuit of Sicily. Two days after the Targa Florio, the start was given for the Circuit of Sicily, which was a race for touring cars. The cars had to cover one lap of the Madonie circuit, on which the Targa is held, and that make the Tour of the Island, d distance of 65o miles in all. The cars ran throughout the night, and finished on loth May. The race provided yet another victory for the

1,500 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, this time driven by Magistri, which is in a fair way to proving itself the car of the year.

There were eighteen starters, of which the 1,100 c.c. division consisted of six 9 h.p. Fiats, driven by Piagga, Zagami, Frederica, Paladin°, Cesarini and Tranchina ; in the 1,500 c.c. class, the two Alfa-Romeos driven by Magistri and Gasperini had to meet Morra’s 12 h.p. Fiat ; the 2-litre class consisted of Carnazza on a Diatto and Francesconi on an O.M. ; another Diatto, driven by Schermi, was in the 3-litre class, with three Lancia Lambdas, driven by Radici, Mangaus and Strazza, Silitti’s Bugatti and Floreali’s Bianchi ; while the largest car in the race was a 5-litre 0.M., diven by Mocciaro. Strazza, who finished third in the Brescia 1,000 miles race, was the favourite for this event, but hit a wall early on and damaged his Lancia’s front ” axle ” so that he had to withdraw. At the end of the lap of the Madoine circuit, the two Alfa-Romeos were in the lead, but thereafter Gasperini fell back, and Radice’s Lancia was in second place at Messina. Magistri, however, was never headed, and the final result was as follows :

Magistri’s average was 39.6 m.p.h., and besides the Alfa-Romeo, the performance of the little Fiats is especially praiseworthy.

The Circuit of Alexandria. The circuit of Alexandria, which was unfortunately marred by the death of Pietro Bordino, during the practice period, provided yet another victory for Nttvolari and his Bugatti. The race was run on 22nd April, over a distance of 160 miles, on a triangular course between Alexandria, Valenca and San Salvatore. Besides the Bugattis, the fastest cars were Valpreda’s 1925 2-litre Grand Prix Delage and Materassi’s Grand Prix Talbot, which won the 1,500 c.c. class. The 1,100 c.c. class was won by a Derby, driven by Brivio. The final result was as follows :—

Targa Florio Notes. Discussions as to next year’s Targa Florio have already begun, and it seems probable that in the first place the Liao c.c. class will be abandoned, the cause of thisbeing the poor measure of support which it has received. As well as this, it is almost certain that next year the cars will have to cover more than five laps of the Maclaine circuit. The Chevalier Vincenzo Florio is of the opinion that the longer the race, the less need

there is of special cars, and this alteration,will, therefore, encourage entrants of ordinary sports models. As the 1929 race will be the twentieth of the series, he wishes to make it more splendid even than its predecessors.

!Albert Diva, the winner of this year’s race, seems to have suffered from all the troubles of the builders of the Tower of Babel. In the first place, he was landed in the middle of the Bugatti equipe, where everyone was talking so much Italian that he suffered so much from home-sickness that he heartily wished himself back in France. This is especially amusing as he is always claimed as of Italian extraction.

Once started in the race, his troubles were not over, as he had as his mechanic a juvenile Alsatian re’oic:ng in the name of Benoist. The latter, however, although technically a Frenchman, could sreak noth’ng but German ; when, therefore, Divo asked him to give him a drink on one of the short ” straights ” of the circuit, Benoist took so long to understand that he only opened the thermos when they were on a corner, with the result that Diva got the contents full in the face.

Success, however, so far improved Benoist’s linguistic abilities, that that evening, in Termini, he made everyone, French and Italian. alike, understand that he could stand them a drink—to make up for Diva’s loss.

The later, however, continued to be unlucky, for as he was filling up at the end of the third round, he got another shower bath, this time consisting of petrol He, therefore, drove the last two laps in his shirt sleeves. Louis Chiron, who actually is not a Frenchman but a citizen of Monaco, was apparently not content when he had finished his five rounds, for, to the general

astonishment, he went on to do a sixth. Arrived at the Bugatti replerfshment station at Polizzi, he found the place all packed up, and only realised that all his team, himself, had finished, after thoroughly curs’ng DAilleaK, who was in charge there. to the fin:sh, he suggested to Vincenzo Florio that it would be a good idea to wave a flag when a driver had fill:she-I, to which the latter replied that, in the course of n’neteen Targas, he had never before met a driver who after five rounds did not realise that he had done enough.

The J.C.C. High Speed Trial.


A most interesting event, more especially for the competitors, was held on Saturday, June ibth, when the Junior Car Club ran off the 1928 High Speed Trial.

The course was laid out so as to embrace as nearly as possible actual road conditions, and involved the use of the private road under the tunnel to the enclosure and over the Members’ Bridge. The start was in the Finishing Straight, then the route lay though an Sbend onto the Byfleet banking, up the Railway Straight off the track by the gate on the right and so onto the road. Sharp left under the tunnel, round towards the Members’ Entrance, and over the bridge, to the test bill, down the test hill, and so to the start. The lap was 2.89 miles long, forty laps constituting the course, ‘156 miles.

‘The classes had to cover the distance according to schedule, 850 C.C. at 29 m.p.h., 1,100 c.c. at 31 m.p.h., 1,500 c.c. at 34 m.p.h. Finishing to schedule won a silver medal, but a gold was awarded to those doing 15 per cent. better.

It was particularly noticed how steady were the Riley Nines, the Bugatti, and the Alvis. The small saloons rolled frightfully on the bends and appeared in danger of turning over.

No accidents occured, and only one incident, when A. T. G. Gardner (Salmson) hit the fence on the bend beyond the tunnel, fortunately without injury.

THE SURBITON ‘4150 Austro-Daimler Wins Fuel Economy Race at 72.34 m.p.h. I 9

In very indifferent weather, eleven cars faced the starter in the Surbiton Club’s 150 Miles Race at Brook

lands on June 9th. The course was round the track in the reverse direction, turning down the Finishing Straight from the Vickers’ sheds, rounding a mark forming a hair-pin, and then up the straight back to the Fork, and so round the Byfleet anti-clockwise. The race was run in six classes according to size, each

class being allowed a limited supply of fuel, the 750 C.C. class on a basis of 27.2 m.p.g., the 1,100 c.c. at 25 m.p.g., 1,500 c.c. 20 m.p.g., 2-litres 12.5 m.p.g., and the 3-litres 8.5 m.p.g. The event was run as a handicap, the calculation being 50 m.p.h. for the 750 c.c. class, and 6o, 65, 68, 70 and 75 m.p.h. for the others.

The two Austin Sevens were the first away at 2.30 p.m., Dingle’s lapping at just over 50 m.p.h…

Stanila.nd and Peacock left next on Rileys, and after them came the 1,500 c.c. class, with Forest’s Marendaz, and R. R. Jackson on his Frazer-Nash. The other classes were represented by Viscount CUT”( on driving his 2,300 C.C. Bugatti, W. B. Scott’s Bentley, “Mr. J. Taylor” on the Austro-Daimler, E. L. Meeson’s 30.98 Vauxhall, while Jack Dunfee drove the Earl of Kinnoull’s Vauxhall. Retirements began early. The Frazer-Nash accom

plished but three laps, Jack Dunfee, after stopping on his first, withdrew after his fifth lap, and Staniland retired after six. In the 3 litre class, the Austro-Daimler was running splendidly, with the Bugatti close behind. The Bentley was running a lap behind the leaders. At this point Peacock’s Riley looked a likely winner. Dingle’s Austin Seven was caught at 30 laps, and the

Riley was held up with trouble in the fuel system. The Austro-Daimler continued to run strongly to the finish, with Lord Curzon running into second place. Peacock on the Riley, having overcome his trouble, made good time and gained third place. Results :—

1. THE STANLEY GLIKSTEN CHALLENGE TROPHY AND 2ND SURBITON ” 150 ” CUP :Mr. “J. Taylor,” (2,940 c.c. Austro-Daimler), 72.24 m.p.h.

2. THE KINGSTON SILVER CUP :Lord Curzon (2,260 c.c. Bugatti) 69.65 m.p.h. 3. THE THAMES SILVER CUP :—

Mr. R. B. Waters (747 c.c. Austin), 46.39 m.p.h.

1,000 Miles a Day.

In every working day Singer cars cover Low miles on the half mile test track which surrounds the company’s new works at Birmingham. The track has several sharp bends and crosses two sets of railway lines. These lines are on embankments and the gradient of the track at the crossings is r in 4.

Every Singer Junior covers a large number of laps, and thus receives a thorough test for hill-climbing, brakes, springing and general performance. So great is the mileage covered, that, although the track was not in use a year ago, it has already “worn out.” With his usual energy Mr. W. E. Bullock at once set Singer employees on to the work of repairing and tarring it.


Kaye Don breaks the Lap Record at 131.76 m.p.h.

THE Brooklands Automobile Racing Clubs’ WhitMonday meeting was distingaished by excellent weather, good racing, Kaye Don’s recordbreaking Sunbeam and friction between the stewards and Capt. Malcolm Campbell regarding handicapping. Dr. Benafield also failed to see eye to eye with the handicappers over his new Panhard., and he scratched it from the racing. Capt. Campbell vowed he would never race at the track again till things were altered.

The racing was, on the whole, uneventful. The Cop.ette M.G.C. Special, entered by Mr. Ghica-Cantacatino failed to put in an appearance, which was disappointing.

The second race, for the Brooklands Gold Vase, was won in style by Mr. “J. Taylor” on Delage II, Kaye Don being a good third on the “Cub.” Capt. A. G. Miller caused a certain amount of mirth by bringing out his antique Blitzen-Benz, wh:ch monster rotated solemnly round the track, trailing a clattering undershield, in the eighth race.

The last race of the day was not only the most interesting on the card, but was possibly the most thrilling ever seen at the track. The race was over nine laps, the Gold Star Handicap. It was a pity that the Panh ird was scratched by Be.nj afield, and Campbell likewise was absent.

Kaye Don’s ” Tiger ” (4-litre 12-cylinder Sunbeam) was on scratch, and Wilson’s Austin Seven started 6 mins. 45 secs. ahead. The Marenda:-Special disappeared. early in the race, followed by the Benz, the Laystall Special and Spero’s Austin Special. Capt. Frazer-Nash got really going in good time, and successfully walked away from Da.toit on the Bentley, who started level with him. The Nash, however, suffered tyre trouble and slowed. When Kaye Don started it was obvious that he was travelling faster than ever, although not very high on the banking. He at once began to run through the field, and he accomplished three laps at over 131 m.p.h., his best being 131.76, a record lap. On lap eight, he was leading from ” Taylor ” on the Talbot, with Du.nfee lying third on the old Sunbeam. The “Tiger” crossed the line about half-a-mile ahead of “Taylor,” having averaged 128.36 m.p.h., the record for a race.

What might have been a serious smash occured at the close of this event. R. F. Oats came flying round the Members’ Banking, and found Turnbull’s Bugatti broadside on at the top of the banking, nose downwards. Oats pulled his O.M. down to pass, when the Bug. rolled down the hill into him. When the cars had finished spinning, the O.M. was about fifty yards further on, with its front messed up, while the Bugatti had the inside front wheel pulled off, and the near-side bodywork ripped open. The only personal damage was Oat’s, who cut his nose?

So ended a sensational race.


Le Vack averages 94.85 m.p.h. in the 500 c.c. Class

The B.M.C.R.C. 200 Miles Races were run off in good weather on June 23rd, when a fair entry competed.

The ” 250 ” Race.

Fourteen starters came to the line in the 250 c.c. event, including two 175’s in an A.K.D. and a CottonNorman.

Staniland and Ferniho ugh at once leapt to the front and stayed there throughout the race. Retirements began early and before two hours were up eight machines were out. The race was free from any suggestion of excitement, and the only incident of note was Fernihaugh’s halting his foot by knocking off the handle-bar with it, of a machine standing at the track side.

The “350” Race.

This event was run concurrently with the 250 c.c. race, both classes making a spectacular massed start. Obviously, Hicks (348 Velocette) was miles an hour faster than anyone else, although Le Vack (New Hudson) and W. H. Phillips (Grindley-Peerless-J.A.P.) were running him close.

Early in the race another machine standing by the track was hit by a passing competitor : this time A. 0. Walker (Chater-Lea) broke his arm against Thomas’ Rex-Acme handle-bar and had to receive medical attention when he reached his pit.

Hicks lead the way until his 58th lap, when he fell by the wayside with a seized and oiless engine. Le Vack pursued him till the 38th lap, when he disappeared with valve trouble. Phillips now took the lead, and won easily, with Hopkins (Chater-Lea) a long way behnd. Results :—

The ” 500 ” Race.

The 500 c.c. class race was the best of the day. Denly (Norton) shot off the mark, pursued by Le Vack (New Hudson), Lacey (Grindley) and Judd. The lastnamed, however, fell out after three laps, and C. J. Williams (Raleigh), having lapped at 99.61 m.p.h., followed with a drifting silencer.

Le Vack began to close in on Denly, lapping at 95.23 m.p.h., while Bullus (Raleigh) held third place. On his 23rd lap, Denly burst, and Nott (Rudge) came into third place. Many were strewn by the wayside, Emerson, Harris, Lewis all disappeared. Lacey was unable to get near Le Vack, who won with six minutes in hand.

The 1,000 c.c. Class.

This race was, as usual, the most disappointing of all. There were but five starters, and only three finished, one of which was a big twin. Remarkable!

Baldwin’s 998 Zenith-J.A.P. had plug trouble in the early stages and he never made up the lost time. Both Davies (980 Zenith) and Ashby (980 Zenith) were eliminated by mechanical trouble, leaving Driscoll (588 Norton), Baldwin, and L. A. Hutchings (596 Zenith-J.A.P.). This was the finishing order, Hutchings failing by 14 seconds to arrive within the schedule time.