A.C.U. One Day Trial.


A.C.U. One Day Trial.

The Auto-Cycle Union has now issued the regulations for the second annual One-Day Sporting Trial to be held on Saturday, iith August, 1928, in the neighbourhood of Stroud or the Wye Valley. The course will naturally be of a sporting nature, and will be secret, only solo machines will be eligible, and no distinction Will be made as regards engine capacity. The Trial is promoted mainly in the interest of private owners, for whom the entry fee is LI Is. ; for manu

facturers or agents the fee is 5s. The Trial will consist of two tests only, viz., running to schedule and hill-climbing. A schedule speed will be laid down having regard to the nature of the course, and a variation of two minutes, early or late, will be permitted. Competitors will be observed on certain hills and a clean ascent will demand feet on the rests throughout ; for footing of any description five marks will be deducted, and for a complete failure ten marks. The following prizes will be offered :

To the private owner making the best performance, a motor-bicycle presented by the Motor Cycle Department of the R.A.C., to be selected by the winner, the list price of which shall not exceed go. To the trade rider making the best performance, the Sporting Trial Manufacturers’ Trophy, and to the lady driver, who is also a private owner, making the best performance, a fitted dressing ease.

There will also be a team award for the best performance of any team of three private owners nominated by an A.C.U. Centre ; and replicas will be awarded to every driver completing the course without losing more than a certain specified number of marks.

Entries close on Saturday, 21st July, 1928, and entry forms and particulars of the Trial may be obtained from the A.C.U., 83, Pall Mall, London, SM.’. or from the Hon. Secretary of any affiliated club.