Round the Clubs, July 1925



Owing to the A.C.U. ban on Speed Events on the public highway, and being unable to find a suitable private course, this year’s contest against the O.U.M.C. for the Morris Garages Challenge Cup was decided on Saturday, June 6th, by an Inter-Club Reliability Trial and Consistent Driving Competition. A Circular Course, 30 miles in length, had to be covered twice: there was a secret check where Competitors were timed on each lap, thus constituting a third lap time. Two-thirds of the smaller entry, irrespective of class, to constitute the Team for each Club.

The course, which started and finished at Wantage, contained two Colonial Sections, one at Lambourn, at the end of which was a difficult hairpin bend, where the Car Classes had to reverse to get round, and the other was about two miles of the Ridgeway, the old Roman Road, which was very rough in places. The results proved the Club Team to have beaten that of the O.U.M.C. by the narrow margin of 3 min. z secs. The Winning Team were as follows :

L. A. WELCH, O.K. and Sidecar, time error 3 min. 35 secs.

H. F. BARGE, Riley Car, time error 4 min. 45 secs.

W. A. MATHEWS, Morris Car, time error 4 mins. 51 secs.

H. BASCOMBE, Cotton M /C, time error 8 mitts. 6 secs.

G. STACE,, Brough Superior, time error ix mins. o secs. The Membership of this Club is now over 300, and at a recent Committee meeting, 14 new Car and 9 Motor Cycle

members were elected.


Newcastle and District Run and Trial.

Bad Weather Does not Deter Competitors.

The all-night run to Edinburgh and the 24-hour trial held recently was a huge success so far as the entries were concerned. Over 120 motorists of all classes, from solo ride s on diminutive ri h.p. machines to huge saloon cars, took part. The weather clerk favoured the latter. Seldom have motorists had such a gruelling tune as had the solo and sidecar riders. Yet, throughout the run, the cheery sporting spirit which always characterises this trial was ever present. Some optimists sported straw hats on starting, but they were either washed off or discreetly hidden by the end of the trial.

At Edinburgh, in addition to a hearty breakfast, the travellers were entertained by a jazz band, the solemn drummer being a joy for ever. The members of the Edinburgh motor organizations rendered most useful service when the breakfast stop was made. The local committee, with most commendable promptitude, were able to get out the results of the all-night run. The results of the 24-hour run will be announced to members. Of the 123 starters, only 19 failed to finish at the final check at Herd’s House, which,

considering the appalling weather conditions, was remarkably good.


Sunday 51h.—Aickin Cup Reliability Trial, 120 to 1.40 miles.

Sunday 12th.—Social Run to Redcar, leave ir .30 p.m. Members are requested to make this a Special Ladies’ Day, and each to bring a lady companion.

Sunday r9th.—Mystery Trial, leave H.Q. 2 p.m. ; ( To or more entries, Three Prizes).


6′ Circuit of Kent.”

The West Kent Motor Club’s “Circuit of Kent” was run off very successfully at a recent meeting ; out of 45 entrants, 43 started. It goes to show the high grade of reliability that motor-cycles have attained when it is stated that 40 finished inside five minutes of finishing time in a 150 mile trial.

The stop and restart test held on Vigo Hill was the cause of many gold medals “going west,” it was not difficult, as this terms implies in an event of this nature ; although fallen leaves together with mud made the surface precarious.

Rain falling in the last 40 miles made it difficult for some of the competitors to keep to schedule. Principal Results :—

Ilarnmeiton Cup (best performance, Solo).

F. W. CLARK, 344 c.c. Coventry-Eagle, o.h.v.

Secretary’s Cup (best performance, Sidecar). E. A. EmERsoN, 545 C.C. Henley-Blackburne

Ashton Cup (best performance, Car).

G. H. SouTHEv, 1,944 c.c. Standard (Car).

Gold Medals.

0. J. WHALLEY, 349 c.c. Calthorpe.

G. 0. STONE, 349 c.c. Humber.

H. CAMPLING, 349 C.C. B.S.A.

GORDON IVEY, 492 C.C. Sunbeam.

C. L. SMITH., 490 C.C. Norton.

J. W. BARBER, 492 C.C. Sunbeam.

3. CRA.WItORD, 499 C.C. P. & M. Panther.

H. D A V1HS , 1,300 C.C. Henderson (Sc.). (sc.) •


A 24-hour Reliability Trial to Barmouth, via Buxton, Cat and Piddle, Macclesfield, Chester and Bala, returning via Bwlch-y-Groes was held on May r6th and r7th. The Reynolds Cup and Replica for the best performance was won by J. Wildblood (348 Douglas). A Mystery Trial on May 24th attracted II entries, there being only three finishers, most competitors losing their way within the first io miles. The course was of three circuits, each course being given out five minutes before starting, competitors having to reach a destination without touching certain places. ,The course covered

Castleton, Glossop, Chapel-le-Frith and Hayfield. The winners were : (I) G. Sawer (349 A.J.S.) ; (2) N. Johnson (349 Rudge) ; (3) N. Gardner (249 O.K.).

The Supper, on May 28th, at the Old Hall Hotel, Hope, was an immense success, both from the point of view of the Supper and the informal Concert and Sing Song, which followed. This event, which finished after midnight, was so successful that it is hoped to hold several more in the near future.


The members of the above Club had a day out at Brooklands on June 6th, when a meeting comprised nine mixed events was held. The racing was particularly interesting, in that most of the drivers were novices, and the cars entered were, for the most part, ordinary touring models.

Thus high speeds were not the order of the day, but the Club is to be congratulated on organising the kind of meeting which should be encouraged, for the performances of novices on the track is usually entertaining. Every man is out to win, and such things as nursing a car to get a good handicap is unknown.

The first of the three car events drew twelve entrants, Orford and Kincaird Lennox on Austin Sevens being given a very good start of 2 minutes. The former driver created quite a good impression by getting away very smartly, and leaving his companion before the Members’ Bridge was reached. G. P. Laws (Clyno) and Ian Macdonald (Alvis) both lost way when changing up, thus being passed by H. C. Jones on a Morgan. The race resulted in a runaway victory for J. G. Orford on the Austin, his speed working out at an average of 57.31 m.p.h. B. H. Norris (Rhode), who drove a fine race and made up a lot of ground finished second, with Kincaird Lennox, on the other Austin, third. Orford’s performance in the first car race led to a considerable shuffling of the handicaps, and in the second race for unlimited cars Miss Roper, on an A.C., led at the end of the first lap, though the Rhode, in the hands of

Norris, and Petit’s Amilcar were rapidly forging ahead. The second lap saw the overhauling of the A.C. by the Rhode, and Norris steered to victory at a speed of 57.03 m.p.h., Miss Roper (A.C.) was second. •

During an interval in the proceedings, the ” Jappic ” came out for a little exercise, and wa s timed over a distance of ten miles from a standing start at 67.35 m.p.h. Timed over five miles with a flying start, this remarkable little machine covered the distance at 69.04 m.p.h.

On resuming the racing proper Norris gained another win with his Rhode, and, though his handicap was still further reduced, won comfortably from the Austin driven by Kincaird Lennox, and McDonald’s Alvis.

In the last event of the day Norris further distinguished himself by finishing third in a field of five motor cycles.


Glorious weather and spectacular riding combined to make the impromptu Freak Hill Climb, held at Naze Road, Walsden, on June 7th, an enjoyable event. There was a good turn out, and about 200 runs were made up the hill, which has a gradient of r in 4, a corkscrew bend, and no protection, on either side. Sensational ascents were made by Captain Gray in a Rhode car and J. B. Clegg (Morgan). Fastest time of the day was made by Captain J. A. Watson Bourne (21 Raleigh) in i min. 58 I /5 sees. Results

class 1, up to 350 C.C. Ist.—(Club Silver Spoon) Capt. J. A. Watson Bourne

I /5 secs. (2i Raleigh), r min. 58

H. Angus (21 B.S.A.), i min.

211d.–(C1ub Silver Medal) J.

59 4 /5 secs. . R. Gibson (22. New Imperial), 3rd.—(Club Bronze Medal) K

2 min. I 4/5 secs.

Class 2, up to 500 C.C.

Ist.—Capt. Watson Bourne, i min. 58 1 /5 secs.

2nd.—E. W. Hodge (3i Sunbeam), 2 min. I sec.

3rd.—K. R. Gibson, 2 min. 5 sec.


The Yeovil-I and’s End Trial.

Only five of the entry of 58 failed to face the starter, and everything went well until an unobserved water splash at Churchinford put the magnetos to a test, and in several cases the splash won.

Narrow lanes led to Eight Acre Lane, which, although not a difficult hill, has a greasy surface and a loose and bumpy top corner, and caused some trouble.

The Stop and Re-start Test held on Peak Hill did not seriously worry the competitors, although W. Davies (490 Norton) hit the bank and decided to retire.

A Secret Check at Clyst St. Mary failed to find any competitors more than io minutes ahead of time. The route continued through Exeter and Chudleigh to the Lunch Stop at Ashburton.

The first observed hill after Ashburton was Buckland, and the Secret Check at Milton Coombe found many competitors behind time, in this section the inconsiderate driving of a non-competitor caused delay to J. E. Dodd (Ariel), A. J. Croft (Petter), and the retirement of G. B. Hall (Juckes).

From Gunnislake the main road was followed to Bodmin, then by the M.C.C. course through Fraddon to Perranporth, where a well-earned tea was enjoyed at the Red House.

Blue Hills claimed its usual toll of the entry, no less than 16 losing marks, but the 38 competitors who passed this point checked in at the finish.

The organisation throughout was excellent and many favourable comments were made on the marking of the course. Principal Results :

KITE. CuP (to be held for I year). Clarke, R. C., 633 C.C. Norton, total error 3 nth’s. io secs. MOFFAT Cu

” Houiton No. z Team.” Kuill, F.

Austin : 275 Marks. Wade, Miss R., 499 C.C. Arid & S. C.; Fddy, J., 747 C.C. H, 348 c.c. Raleigh ;


Wade, Miss R., 499 c.c. Arid & S.C.


Leigh, J., 986 c.c. G.N.


Following the London Motorists’ Rally on WhitMonday, the Harveyson Cup Trial, open by invitation to members of the B.S.A. M.C.C., L. G.( ).C. M.C.C., and North-West London M.C.C., for which a very large entry was received, was held on June 6th.

The course, which was 80 miles long, started from the Red Lion Hotel, Hatfield. Thence competitors proceeded along lanes to Barwick Ford. This proved a watery grave for no less than 13 entrants, and provided the most spectacular incident of the day, when a competitor on a 4.90 Norton s fc approached the water at a good 35 m.p.h., lost control, and completed a most impressive exhibition of human gliding by landing full length in the water, quite a number of yards in front of his machine. Fortunately man and machine were unhurt.

High Cross Hill caused three failures, the riders concerned failing to get round the acute hairpin at the top and going merrily into a field. Another colonial section, perhaps easier than the first, was negotiated, and the course then led to Water End Farm watersplash, where exactly half the survivors stopped. More lanes led back to Hatfield and the finish.

A secret check, taken at the end of the Munchers Green section, had to be taken into consideration in order to find the winners of several awards. The principal results are as follows :—


R. R. T. Bowen, 346 New Hudson.

Cum Cup.

A. A. Pollard, 748 Austin.


M. C. Perret, 349 B.S.A.

Hon. Sec., Alan W. Day, ” Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finehley, N .3.


The Reliability Trial of the above Club held over the Whitby, Saltbum, Stokesley, Northallerton and Darlington route for the Arthur J. Lucas Rose Bowl, took place recently. It was a most exacting course, covering a distance of 166 miles, taking in the well-known hills of Birk Brow, on the road to Whitby, Lythe Bank and Hinderwell Bank between Whitby and Saltburn.

On the return journey a check was taken on top of the bank leading into Saltburn, and this made it difficult for the competitors to gauge their run in. Unfortunately, a number of the competitors missed the road, and Urwin, Percy, and Milne, Jnr., on a B.S.A., were the competitors to make the best time at this check.


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in by 13arimar Metallurgical (Patented) Process, to fit existing pistons and returned in two days under money-back guaranthe, at low cost.—BARIMAR, Ltd. (Scientific Welding Engineers), 14-18, LAMIs’S CONDUIT STREET, LONDON, W.C.r. Branches in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Glasgow.

BIRMINGHAM MEDAL CO., Vittoria St., Birmingham. Specialities : Club medals, badges, pennants, trophies, cups, shields, advertising novelties, mascots, etc. Please write for lists and special designs.