
Telamite Teddy,

The ” Brooklands Bullet,” Whose bus had fifteen cyls. to pull it, While tootling up the kirkstone Pass Heard yells that made him take the grass

Between the road and a gaping quarry, And miss by a hair a four-ton lorry. Telamite Teddy swung his car round, Lit a cigar, and then at a bound Went after the runaway lorry like


Could he scrape past it or was it no use?

Doing eighty, it swerved ; Teddy passed, mudguards gone.

Then, his tail to its bonnet, he put his brakes on ! In twenty-two seconds they came to a stand

And—Teddy drove off with a wave of his hand. This rescue still further enhanced Teddy’s name

But honour where honour is due all the same. And Teddy owns he’d have had a fright If his brakes weren’t lined with


GEORGE ANGUS & CO., LTD., St. John’s Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Telamite Works, Bentham, Lancaster. London Branch : 7, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, E.C.3