"Many Happy Returns of the Day."


“Many Happy Returns of the Day.”



I2ilt June, 1925. Dear Sir, _

May I be permitted to offer you, on the occasion of the first Birthday of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, my very sincere congratulations.

THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE has undoubtedly filled a very definite want in the motor world—that of a paper entirely devoted to the sporting side, conducted by one wise in competition matters, and with a wide knowledge of competing men and machines.

The paper has made steady progress, each issue being, if possible, more full of interest than its predecessor, and the feeling conveyed to your readers is that by a happy blend of Editorial tact they really run their own paper. May THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE enjoy very many birthdays is the wish of Yours sincerely,


8th June, 1925. Dear Sir,

We believe that your next issue will be your anniversary issue, and we are just writing to say that we consider THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE to be one of the bright spots in the motoring world, and to be a magazine of great topical interest to all motorists.

As an advertising medium, we must say we have found it to be quite good, and while congratulating you on your issue, we wish you every success with your magazine in the future. Yours faithfully,

(Signed) C. J. JOYCE. The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, Dear Sir,

I gladly join the many who offer their congratulations on your Anniversary Number.

By a happy combination of interesting and enlivening features, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE has won for itself a secure place in the esteem. of the motoring public. I hope that the success of the undertaking will be increased. Yours faithfully,

(Signed) C. W. BRETT. The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, Dear Sir,

We understand that this is the anniversary of your publication, and the writer wishes to congratulate you on providing such a pithy little periodical for those interested in racing cars. Being interested in a Sports car ourselves, namely the Alvis, we feel that the periodical is most engaging reading, and that every motorist who is concerned in motor cars in general, and sports cars in particular, should become a subscriber to your publication. You are the only paper to write on sporting cars, and the questions dealing with them are so thoroughly interesting that we wish you continued prosperity and success. Yours faithfully,


17th June, 1925. Dear Sir,

Will you please accept my congratulations on the occasion of the anniversary of THE BROOKLANDS GAzErrE. I am a very interested supporter of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, chiefly because I am a keen supporter of Brooklands events.

This again, is because I have very decided opinions about the value of Brooklands in the direction of the modern development of motor car design, and I know by intimate experience how much the Alvis Company, and all purchasers and users of Alvis Cars, have benefited thereby. It is a sign of the times that a very rapidly increasing section of the public is taking a keen interest in Brooklands events, and in all that they imply, and this is much to the good of the great motor industry of this country.

The value of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE in fostering and developing this spirit is very excellent indeed, and on the occasion of its anniversary everybody of the Alvis Company wishes it continued health and prosperity. Yours faithfully, For Alvis Car & Engineering Co., Ltd., T. G. JOHN,

Managing Director. The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, Dear Sir,

I have much pleasure in saying how extremely valuable and interesting this journal is. It is the only journal, to my mind, which really embraces the sport of Motor Racing and Competitions, not only in this country but also abroad, which is not only of great interest to the motor racing habitués and public, but also to the motoring world as well.

My own candid opinion is, that the tendency towards the decline of motor racing in this country has been, in the past, a good deal due to the fact that there was no particular journal which devoted itself entirely to this sport, although, of course, there has been a certain amount of space devoted to it in other Motoring Journals, but this has also been fused with other motoring matters as well. In this case, the journal is devoted solely to these Competitions, and must have the effect of causing Much more interest.

In conclusion, I cannot help feeling that it is a great pity that the big trade motoring organisations do not allow a moderate proportion of their gigantic reserve of funds to encourage this sport, because it is of far more national importance than they will admit or give credit for.

To my mind, it is a ridiculously conservative idea, because there is no doubt that the efficiency of modern motor cars is entirely due to motor racing and competitions, also, the development of our aero engines is considerably due to this sport.

If better prize money was given, better races organised (by this I mean more Long Distance Races, particularly on the road, should this Act of Parliament be passed), it would then be an encouragement for the manufacturers to build racing cars, not only to improve their own manufactures, but also to improve the breed as a whole.

So much money is spent on quite insignificant things, and it seems to me a very great pity that more generosity is not shown towards this form of sport and competition as is done on the Continent. Yours faithfully,

A. G. MILLER, Captain. The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, Dear Sir,

It is exceedingly interesting to note that THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE is now entering upon its second year, and it is the hope of every motoring sportsman that it will live to celebrate many more anniversaries, in addition to the present one.

It has always been my opinion that motoring sport should have a journal of its own. The old-established weekly technical papers dealing with motoring do devote a few pages to all racing and competitions, but the editors of these journals must consider the tastes of their readers, and although it is not pleasing to confess it, the great majority of motor owners prefer to be told how to change gear or how to sit correctly behind the steering wheel rather than read of an exciting finish on the track, or of an arduous climb up some freak hill.

The result is, that motoring sport did not receive the publicity that was due to it until THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE took the field.

I hope that we may look foward to the day when, instead of being a “monthly,” THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE becomes a weekly. Yours faithfully,

A. PERCY BRADLEY, Hon. Gen. Secretary, Junior Car Club.

rfith June, 1925. Dear Mr. Editor,

It gives me very great pleasure to express my personal views on THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE.

To me it appears that a publication of this nature must strongly appeal to all followers of the sport of motorists—be they car owners or motor cyclists.

In addition to the excellent manner in which this GAZETTE is produced—photographs and type, in one case being par excellence, and in the other of a bold, readable, and clear type. The manner in which the facts are given in your paper enable one to appreciate the sport which is given on our one and only track in England—makes one appreciate the daring and clever driving which is accomplished

by those concerned, and personally I feel that a magazine of this description should be a weekly one.

I would, however, like to suggest that a closer touch be kept with all sporting events, be they car or motorcycle, which practically take place every day all over the country, and confine the GAZETTE to these, coupled with requests pertaining to the tuning and upkeep of machines for sporting events.

I feel confident that if carried out on these lines, motorists would welcome publication of this description, and give it a hearty support throughout the country, and in addition would prove a very valuable propaganda for the motoring industry as a whole. Yours faithfully,

W. PRATT. The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, Dear Sir, Congratulations on anniversary, one of many in store for you. THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE supplies a long-felt want among motorists generally, and I know is very much appreciated. This I know from experience. Photos are ideal, articles always most interesting. Wishing GAZETTE every success, I remain, Yours faithfully,


It is conceivable that you will receive many congratulatory letters on the anniversary number of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, and for this reason I briefly wish you every success in the future of such a valuable publication.

The value of the publication is manifold, but I would more particularly like to emphasize the keen interest taken by your readers in the many articles dealing with the latest designs and inventions pertaining to motors, which are developing on even more scientific lines than heretofore.

I had an ample proof of this following my article on “Supercharging,” which you kindly reproduced in a recent issue. The publicity given to this article was really wonderful, judging from the interest taken by such a large section of the Motoring Industry and public.

The illustrations of the supercharging mechanism were also a feature much appreciated.

This is admittedly only a typical example of other valuable illustrated articles, but one which gave me ample proof of the advertising value of your journal. Yours faithfully,


Joint Managing Director. The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, Dear Sir,

We take this opportunity of congratulating you upon having reached your Anniversary Number, and wish to offer you our best wishes for the continued success of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, which, however, would seem to be well assured.

In our opinion, this publication must make a strong appeal, not only to the ‘sporting *element, but also to those who are interested in the highly technical side of motoring, and who are keen on getting the highest possible efficiency out of their engines.

The truth of this is brought home to us by the nature of the enquiries which we have received through our advertisements in the GAZETTE, which we consider an excellent medium for our particular class of work. We are, Yours faithfully,



We certainly think that THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE fills a very important niche in the world of automobile journalism, and this enterprise shows to what a very great extent motoring is looked upon as a sport in England, instead of just transport.

In England, we apparently have to go a long way yet before the general public will realise how sporting a motoring event can be.

For instance, the T.T. Motor Cycle Races which have just taken place in the Isle of Man, are without doubt and without exaggeration, the most daring, the most thrilling, and call for greater human endurance than practically any other race that is now run, and yet the Daily Press devote only small paragraphs to these events, whilst devoting column after column to minor sporting events in other spheres.

It is in bringing before the public the sporting aspects of motoring, that THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE iS doing good work, and we can only conclude in wishing it every success in the future. Yours very truly,