

Photographs reproduced last month give details of the new single seater Supercharged A.C. Racing Car, which will be handled during the forthcoming events by Mr. Raymond Mays. The most interesting feature of the engine is the arrangement of the Roots type supercharger, which has been designed by Mr. C. Amherst Villiers. The blower is located at the forward end of the crankshaft, from which it is positively driven, and incidentally it may be remarked that this addition necessitated the fitting of an entirely new crankshaft. The supercharger draws the mixture through one of the well-known Memini carburettors. Another interesting point in connection with the engine design is the arrangement of the twin

magnetos on the engine side of the dashboard, these being driven by the short cross shaft.

The steering lay-out is again unique, as the box itself is mounted beneath the scuttled dash, the steering lever being located outsided the dash, with a vertical pull and push rod, which operates the horizontal rod below by means of a bell crank lever.

The very neat and efficient looking radiator by Serck adds greatly to the appearance of the car.

A new and unique form of rear suspension is used for the back axle, the whole chassis being lightened to the finest possible limits. Readers will no doubt watch the performance of this interesting car very closely, and it is expected that very high road speeds will be obtainable.