The doctor's assistant



Thumbing through the December issue of your fine magazine, I came across Doug Nye’s article on Dr Tony Goodwin’s forthcoming autobiography. To my distress I see John Wickham has been blamed for trying to wreck the good doctor’s digestive system in that 1967 F3 season – poor fellow must have been all of 17 years old at the time. I have to own up to being the ‘Wickers’ (alternatively ‘That Wicksteedian Device’) described in the book and that, after one season as a racing mechanic, I decided that flying was much better than working for a living and spent the next 30 years as a pilot in Southern Africa.

I haven’t seen the book yet (not allowed!), but knowing Dr Goodwin’s fiendish sense of humour it’s sure to be a good read.

Tony Wicksteed, Guildford, Surrey