Equatorial home for foolproof car


In a letter from Dr John Mills from Ecuador, I hear of two more surviving vintage cars.

Mills discovered Motor Sport in the 1950s, which led him to join the VSCC and the Trojan OC, after he read a description of the Trojan as “a foolproof car for the non-mechanical”. We gave him the address of the latter club and its Derrick Graham provided, for £10, a rather sad three-door example which Dr Mills still has. Moreover, a few years ago, he added the famous Trojan with which Group Capt A F Scroggs excelled in trials. Dr Mills’ cars have included almost all the ‘proper’ post-war Lancias, and now a circa-1906 Riley Forecar, which is being restored.

He also has a 19/100 Austro-Daimler, bought in the 1960s from a Welsh farmer, which he brought to the TT 75th anniversary meeting in Ireland. It is the ex-Nigel Arnold Forster car, YIN 3477, rebodied at some time with a VdP body, and may be the car driven in the 1928 TT by H Mason. It was put in good order and run on the road for the first time since 1938, and has since contested several rallies, including the Mille Miglia Storica. The car cruises easily at 85mph at 3500rpm, the maximum being 4500. If, says Dr Mills, he could get another 600rpm the claimed 100mph would be on, but he has so far avoided subjecting the 76-year-old conrods to this…