Young Rally Award


Historic Rally organiser Philip Young has been awarded the Penrite Award for efforts promoting the enjoyment of historic vehicles. A one-time motoring magazine editor and a rally competitor himself, Young has awarded 1000 trophies to others, but claimed this was the first he has received.

He was the spearhead of a movement which began in the early 1980s, when owners of older road cars had no arena of competition for their vehicles. Starting with the Historic Rally Car Register, the movement tapped a huge well of interest in using such vehicles. Since then historic rallying has become a major sport, and Young’s events, such as the Classic Marathon, the Monte Carlo Challenge and the Peking-to-Paris, have achieved considerable popularity.

As Chairman of the Classic Rally Association, Young remains a central figure in the sport; his Round the World in 80 Days adventure begins on May 1, while the 2000 Monte Challenge finishes at Brooklands on January 14, where twice-Monte winner Erik Carlsson and his wife Pat Moss will be the guests of honour. GC