F5000 - A not so dismal ending



How pleasing to read Marcus Simmons’ excellent feature on F5000 in your December 1999 issue and what delightful memories it evoked.

Whilst appreciating this was not intended as a definitive appraisal of the formula, the final year of the 5000 series was not quite as dismal as the writer suggests.

As motorsport press officer for Shell UK Oil when we sponsored that last championship in 1975, I well recall that apart from Peter Gethin, Teddy Pilette and Ian Ashley, other leading drivers that season included future Fl world champion Alan Jones in John MacDonald’s immaculately prepared March 751 V6; Rene Amoux in the much modified Tony Kitchiner-entered ex-Denny Hulme Mclaren M19; David Purley in his Lec-sponsored Chevron B30 V6 and Guy Edwards and Vern Schuppan in their Lola T332 V8s.

Certainly the series was not as competitive as it was in its formative years but the battles between the V8s and V6s still produced excellent racing with equally talented driven behind the wheel.


Keith Kirby (by fax)