Straker Squire



Having just read the very interesting article on the Straker Squire racing car in your July 1998 issue, it brought to mind happy memories of my boyhood years at Flamborough Head, near Bridlington on the Yorkshire coast. The year we would be talking about would be 1923 or 1924.

I remember one, identical in every way to the one in your article except for the exhaust system and paintwork, as the one I saw was deep red. As far as I can remember, the Straker was fitted with an exhaust cut-out then, presumably so the car would comply with the licensing laws by switching to the silencer. Unfortunately cannot recall the registration number.

It was brought up to Flamborough Head by a Mr Mitchell, who then had the Morris car agency at Huddersfield, Yorkshire. The Mitchell family had one of the ‘black’ cottages, sited opposite the coastguard station, as a holiday home. It was our delight when Mr Mitchell was presumably returning to Huddersfield during the Sunday. afternoon, to hear the roar of the Straker being started up. We boys would run to witness his spectacular departure, rubber burning, the car disappearing in a cloud of white road dust, leaving behind a rank smell of Castro! ‘R’.

I remember one Sunday morning seeing one of Mitchell’s sons, Alec I believe, getting into the trap-door in the streamlined tail, visible in your photo. Mrs Mitchell, I understand, told my mother that one of their daughters was the first woman to lap Brooklands at over 100mph in the Straker Squire. As far as we know, the last time the car visited Flamborough Head was when in order to miss a woman cyclist it took to the countryside, ending in a ditch halfway between the Head and Flamborough village. I also found of great interest your brief comments regarding the makers of the car, a name unheard of these days.

I am, yours, etc. RI. Munton, Girton, Notts.