Raiders overhead


Raiders Overhead — The Bombing Of Walton &Weybridge, by Stephen Flower. Air Research Publications, PO Box 223, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KTI2 3YO £11.95

I found this unusual little paperbook quite fascinating. One knew that there had been a raid or two on the Vickers factory at Brooklands during WW2 and a few details have appeared elsewhere. But until I read this amazingly painstakingly researched account, I had no idea of how frequently Brooklands was attacked and flown-over by enemy raiders, not only in the last war but during WWI. Here is all the information, day-by-day, of the incredible (to the uninitiated) number of bombs, VIs and V2s aimed at Brooklands and the surrounding area. The aeroplanes, both enemy and defending, where known, are quoted and personal memories of those who were there, on the ground and in the air, supply the period touch.

A seven-page Index even lists the roads and streets involved and the pictures add to the story, some of Brooklands itself. Appendices cover the Air Raid Warning Procedures, the 1944 VI Attacks, the names of the author’s witnesses, and the casualties — surprisingly, 389 high explosive bombs and about 4500 incendaries, plus 18 VI attacks, were recorded in the small area the book covers, killing 83 people and injuring 419. The research done by Stephen Flower is most commendable and his little book must be essential reading for all Brooklands Society members and those who go to the Brooklands Museum or indeed live in this part of Surrey. WB