Britain's Motor Industry


Britain’s Motor Industry — The First Hundred Years, by Nick Baldwin, Anders Clausager, and Jonathan Wood (Nick Georgano, Ed). Haynes, £24.99.

To mark the first one hundred years of the British Motor Industry Haynes of Yeovil got Nick Georgano to edit, and contribute to, along with the authors named above, this comprehensive 256-page study of the first century, with 120 pictures to illustrate important cars and developments. This is one for all reference libraries. It runs the whole gamut of this period, from the Coventry Motor Mills production of Bollée tricars in 1896 to the present-day offerings of our Motor Industry. Experimental efforts are not overlooked and include that of the Thomas Rickett steamer of 1858-60, and the book goes on to tell of the WW2 Shadow Factories whereby the motor industry contributed so much to the war effort, but how post-war success was eroded by better capitalised and equipped European rivals. Nor are such subjects as racing, labour relations, management styling changes, company ownership, National and de-Nationalisation effects and the latest computer roles neglected. Nicely produced, with the latest Haynes’ dustjacket, it can be yours for £24.99. WB