

Moss — The First 10 Years/Weekend at Le Mans 1957, Terrific Stuff Videos. 50 min, £17.99.

For the first half-hour of this video, Chris Nixon and Jock Russell’s Terrific Stuff enterprise lives up to its name. Scripted by Peter Gamier and narrated by Raymond Baxter, the Moss documentary is a superficial, but entertaining, glimpse at some of the highlights in the career of Britain’s most enduring motor racing icon.

Equal billing is given to Moss’s struggle to compete with Europe’s finest at the wheel of unsuitable canines such as the ERA G-type and Cooper-Alta.

The Le Mans film is much shorter, and by no means as compelling. Some of the footage, both on the track and in the pits, is quite decent, and the aforementioned Mr Moss is reasonably prominent as he and Harry Schell parade the special Costin-bodied 41/2-litre Maserati that proved to be utterly nasty.

However, it’s hard to do justice to a round-the-clock race in an 18-minute ‘short’, all the moreso when a handful of those precious minutes are spent focussing on the famous fairground . .


Moss, Chris Nixon, Jock Russell, Harry Schell, Raymond Baxter, Peter Gamier