Clement-Talbot's Man



In the article relating to Talbot cars in the November issue you refer to Mr F W Shortland. I believe the correct name of the person to whom you refer is “Shorland”. Frank Shorland was one of the leading racing cyclists in the early 1890’s. He was the first holder of the record from London to Brighton and back when (according to contemporary reports) he was a mere stripling. He subsequently became well-known for his long distance efforts, being the 12-hour champion in 1892, 1893 and 1894. He also won a 24-hour track race in those 3 years for the CUCA Cup, which he won outright, covering over 460 miles at the third attempt. On the way he established national records from 13 hours upwards and distance records from 250 miles onwards. He became a member of this club in December 1908 with the soubriquet of “Slasher”. He was President in 1926.

Michael GV Radford,
Pickwick Bicycle Club, Winchester, Hants.