ERA Club reunion dinner


One hundred members and guests attended the reunion dinner of the ERA Club on 31 October. (The club now embraces BRM, the other Bourne car.) The club’s president, AF Rivers Fletcher, was in charge and Bruce Halford was the guest of honour. Bruce, as well as driving his own 250F Maserati and Lotus F1 cars, also had a spell driving the works P25 BRM in 1959. The “Rivers Fletcher Trophy” for the most successful ERA driver of 1992 went, as last year, to Anthony Mayman for his efforts with R4D the former Raymond Mays car. The “Bob Gerard Trophy”, awarded to the driver of a 1 1/2-litre ERA, went this year to John Ure for his performance with Peter Mann’s car. Finally, the “Rubery Owen Trophy”, presented by the club for achievements other than driving, went to Guy Spollon in recognition of his work as the club’s hon secretary for the past 10 years and more. As usual ERA owners and drivers present were called upon to give the assembly their Annual Reports and, as ever, some non-ERA personnel insisted in getting in on the act, to give their excuses for not doing better and beating the ERAs — but wait until 1993, they warned!