Brooklands News


This years Brooklands Society Dinner, in Woking, had a smaller attendance than usual but was notable for an amusing speech by Sir Peter Masefeld, in which he was optimistic about the future plans for the preservation of some of the Track’s historic landmarks.

The Guest of Honour was Tom Delaney, who raced Hyper Lea-Francis cars, and flew from Brooklands. Other personalities included George Abecassis, George Harvey Noble and Frank Kennington ( who brought along the big model of the Napier-Railton made by Derek Dent and bodied by Cyril Posthumus — the wheel spokes were formed from pins and John Cobb had approved of the completed model. Cars in the hall were the Delaney Lea-Francis, Rodney Felton’s Alfa Romeo, Benfield’s 200 Mile Race Alvis and Collings’ 1903 Mercedes.

The Brooklands Museum organised an enjoyable Christmas party for its “Friends of the Museum” (subscription costs £10), who were greeted by Sir Peter Masefield and entertained by a Dudley Gahagan film show.

The Museum has been given the VC10 for which HM The Sultan of Oman had no further use after acquiring a Boeing 707, although it is in pristine order! It was flown by his personal pilot to Heathrow, washed and polished, and then flown on to Brooklands — the first aeroplane of this size to land there in 15 years. This involved cutting down a tree, closing a road, and removing a shed, but was successfully accomplished, with the Oman Ambassador and Sir Peter Masefield (the latter largely responsible for the tricky delivery task) on board. So a 1964 VC 10 has returned to its birthplace . . . It will take its stand in the Museum (or an adjacent hanger; with other aeroplanes, and racing cars, when the Museum opens officially in 1989. WB