A Change of Style


Having edited MOTOR SPORT for more than forty years, for half a century if one includes those memorable war years when it had to be done by “remote control” (with never an issue missed from 1939 to 1945) it is difficult to resist changes to this long-established journal.

However, cars change, times alter circumstances, and a younger readership has joined the faithful “old guard” many of whom tell us they have been reading MOTOR SPORT for as long, or almost as long, as we have been publishing it —a monthly labour of love and enthusiasm we would like to think of it. This being the case the time has come to offer you, our readers, a slightly changed format, of what is otherwise the “medicine” as before. Larger pages, colour photographs running through the text, and livelier articles to supplement well-established features we have run for so many years, are what you will find from this issue onwards.

MOTOR SPORT began as the only monthly magazine devoted only to the sporting side of motoring and it has since become the only one to cover the entire field, from Formula One racing, to the now exceedingly popular Veteran-to-Classic Car section.

We hope the new presentation will appeal to young and old alike, and hopefully to many new readers too. WB