Bugatti Owners Club


THE AGM and Annual Prize-Giving took place on November 29th at the Weston Manor Hotel, Weston-on-the-Green, near Oxford, compered by BOC Chairman Barrie Price, the many magnificent trophies being given to the recipients by Mrs. Riley, wife of the well-known competition driver (who threatens to return to Club motor-racing), herself a famous rally-driver as Ann Wisdom, and whose mother and father were both very successful competitors at Brooklands and elsewhere, before the war.

Times change, and we counted only two Bugattis in the car-park, among the Ferraris, Turbo Saab and the like. Roger Howard’s road-equipped Type 37A and his former Type 40 Bugatti flanked the hotel entrance and as Roger won the enormous gold-and-silver Jean Bugatti Trophy, that splendid award went home in an appropriate motor-car.