British Motor Racing Marshals Club


AS more and more use is made of the major circuits, the motor racing season gets longer each year, racing going on well into the autumn and starting again before winter has finished. At all these meetings, members of the BMRMC will be out in force helping the organising clubs to ensure that the meetings can take place.

On March 13th, the BMRMC will be promoting their own race meeting at Silverstone (one of the first fixtures of the year at the Northamptonshire circuit) and they hope that many competitors will turn out both to take advantage of an early opportunity to test their winter developments and to support the marshals who support their racing throughout the year. Supplementary regulations and entry forms are available from Tony Bird, 4 Sunnyside, Kingsclere, Newbury, RG15 8PW. Telephone Kingsclere (0635) 298856.